How much do you want to gain?

I’m 5’6” and 215 now, I was 245 but I unintentionally lost (just more activity and eating less). I’d like to get back up to 245, and eventually my original goal of 260-270. Gaining 45-55 lbs seems daunting but damn I want to get fat.
2 years

Why my gaining has slowed to a crawl

No point to this, really, just sharing.

Not working and not having access anymore to the cafeteria at work, and not stopping for my morning rolls, donuts, cookies at the convenience store has slowed my gaining to almost a standstill.

In the cafeteria I’d have a breakfast sandwich of buttered bagel, eggs, and cheese maybe with a side of bacon and or sausage. I usually brought my own lunch which was some kind of leftovers. Late afternoon I’d get pie or cake, cookies or all of them.

I don’t eat like that anymore, being currently retired. To try to makeup for it I make Fatboy shakes with whole milk, light or heavy cream, a bottle of Boost, peanut butter, bananas, ice cream if I have it, Nutella. I add cookies and blend the shit out of it. I have coffee with my cream and sugar. Lol I use a lot more butter and frozen meals... Hungry Man, Stouffers or Banquet Megabowls, etc. One Hungry Man dinner I get has 740 calories.

I’m 215 lbs trying to get back to 245. My goal was 260-270. I wore size 44 pants, goal was 46-48 but now 42. I’m looking forward to my belly hanging over my waistband.

So yeah, I’m trying.
2 years

Size difference

Being gay I can’t really speak for the straight guys but maybe we feel sexier, more masculine being fat.
2 years

Feeling more confident the more i gain

I hated being fat all my life. I dieted and exercised and stressed over it. My weight and attitude yo-yo’d. I was attracted to fat guys for the longest time and realized that there’s too many good looking fat guys around for there to be anything wrong with it. I also realized I was never going to get a bodybuilder’s or athlete’s physique, nor did I really want to work out that hard anymore. I like being fat because I have some size and feel more confident. I like what I see in the mirror.
2 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

1. I found two pairs of 44 waist shorts that fit... loose but they fit. I usually wear 40 in shorts and 42 in long pants, both getting snug.
2. Button down shirts in 17 (XL) are getting snug in the belly, and weren’t last year.
3. Eating anything that can’t run away or defend itself.
2 years

What hobbies and activites attract the most fatties

I know musicians who are fat. Back in the day Randy Bachman (BTO, Bachman Turner Overdrive) was a chunker and rocked a nice beer belly.

2 years

How long have you been on ff

About 4 years this time around. I first joined around 2015 when I started deliberately getting fat. But I had second thoughts, deciding being fat “wasn’t for me”. Yeah ok. Lol I deleted my profile but I re-upped I guess around 2017. Still I wasn’t that active until recently. Now I’m hellbent for leather on getting a lot fatter.
2 years

Coping with old body shaming memories?

Two incidents embarrassed me because they were in front of other people. One was kind of funny.

The funny one was with my father. I was about 25-26 years old and had my own apartment. I stopped at my parents house dressed for work, jacket, tie, etc. I was standing by the kitchen sink when my father said “you’re getting a little portly”. I actually thought it was funny and said yeah I know. Lol

The two other times really pissed me off. At a family party my aunt blurted out in front of others “uh, you got kind of tubby”. I just mumbled something like yeah well and shrugged. She actually did it again another time. Pissed me off again.

Yet another time I ran into a coworker I hadn’t seen in some years. In the middle of a sentence, again in front of others, he stopped himself and said “you got chubby”.

Because I was defensive back then about my weight it took me a long time to realize and accept they were just ignorant. Now, should someone pull a stunt like that I say almost proudly “why yes, yes I have”. 😄
2 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

Ashamed? No, I can’t truthfully say I am. I’m not open about it because people don’t understand and I don’t need to get shit from them about it. It’s always the health thing blah blah blah much less them knowing I’m deliberately fat. Though I hint at it... I call myself fatboy, I say things like “I didn’t get to be 245 lbs by being a picky eater”, or “that’s why they make bigger clothes”. I used to be afraid of, and hated gaining weight and being fat. But I’m attracted to fat guys, have been for a long time, and think there are too many good looking fat men in the world for there to be anything wrong with it. I was in Kohl’s yesterday, saw my reflection in a full length mirror and liked what I saw.
2 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

When I fattened up, I wanted it to be obvious to everyone, so I started wearing tighter clothes. When I bought shirts and tried them on, I would sit down in them to make sure the buttons would gap just a little bit.

I like the way clothes look and feel now that I'm fatter. When clothes are more snug, it reminds me of how fat I am now and I enjoy imagining what people must think seeing me slowly waddle by. And going to the beach is a lot more fun now smiley

This is how I’m getting to think. Most of my pants and shorts, between 40-42s, have the stretch waistband, with some of them still being snug. I have one pair of very nice very snug black dress pants in size 40. They’re difficult to close, but I can. My belly hangs over a bit, which I love.

My shirts are 17-17 1/2 and still fit in the belly, but it’s getting close again. They measure about 50” from seam to seam at the midsection, my belly is 48”. Just for fun I may buy one or two inexpensive shirts in a smaller size and wear snug pants or shorts so that when I go shopping or stop at a diner or restaurant it really shows off my belly.

There was a time when people would make fun of fat people or give weird looks, but with the “obesing” of America, you get hardly a glance. But still, I like the feeling. I’m not ashamed to say it’s a turn on.
2 years