Woman at work keeps touching my belly?

Although you may like it, the fact is that it is harassment, and if she does it to someone else then you are essentially enabling her.
I know you posted this because you like the behaviour, but would you like to be the person who doesn't like it, but she does it because she's gotten away with it and therefore continues? I'm sorry to be harsh but this needs to be reported. Do role play at home if you like this sort of thing, but it doesn't belong in the office.
5 years

Doc appointment coming up; dieting ahead

I'm familiar with this. It used to happen a lot. Before the appointment, he would get all squirmy and reluctant to go, would try to put the appointment off, etc., and the pathetic attempts at dieting also sound familiar.
I got him a new, more fat-friendly doctor, who doesn't love all the weight he's put on, but doesn't tell him to lose it, either. Now he just eats regularly before the appointment.
6 years

Slowing walking pace, more restraining movements, body space changes, etc

Last night after dinner I told the little butterball to get me a drink, and as he did so I noticed he's moving much slower these days. The fattest part of him used to just be his belly, but now he has grown in other places as well, and he lumbered into the kitchen and eventually came back with a drink.
It was surprising to see how much he has changed
6 years

Fat gain during sleep

I could not imagine that it produces "overnight results". It certainly, though, helps. Much weight gain is based on intake of calories and the amount of exertion. I recommend eating a meal before bed because it's taking in a lot of calories while doing nothing (sleeping), and also because I've noticed in the little husband for example, that over time it helps the body slow down, gets a person accustomed to little exertion, and helps establish the feeling of being full and doing nothing.
So, over time yes, over night, not really.
6 years

Forced to gain

Try to keep your steps to 5,000 maximum and do everything possible to use as little energy as possible. Obviously continue to stuff yourself, and make sure you eat a second dinner / heavy dessert before bed.
6 years

Living with your feeder

Yes, once the kitchen is nice it's a good way to fatten someone.
We don't have dogs and I'm not heavy, and he isn't going to pursue advanced degrees, but out set up is similar.
Getting a cookbook - especially a desser cookbook - is what really got him gaining. For extra pounds, really focus on your cooking.
6 years

How to tell if friends notice you gained....

The little butterball's friends noticed once his habits changed. Instead of going for a run or doing something else that was active, he wanted to stay in. Things of that nature.
Many of his friends are employed and so some of them have drifted away, but I can tell by awkward pauses that they definitely notice how fat he's become.
6 years

Approaching age 40 crushes me inside

I am rather disturbed after reading your thoughts. Despite your disclaimer, I can't help thinking your views about your own aging process unsettling.

It's the nature of our universe that we are born, flourish, peak, and then start to diminish. These things happen. Yet, there is plenty of beauty there. It's not the usual kind, the easy kind, the kind that is appealing to everyone, but it is there. I see older people all the time who have great beauty. A woman I work with is approaching 60, and besides having taken good care of herself, she has a beautiful profile and looks wonderful.

You probably have plenty of years after 40, so you should probably get beyond this point. You have to appreciate yourself and learn to be happy with where you are in life.

I know I've misunderstood your post, but I can't help it. You need to enjoy where you are in life. There's only one way to stop aging, so unless you plan on that, you will get older.
6 years

Is there a point of no return? (my questions)

As to the first question, I feel more satisfied when I see him struggle.

The chores for me are more about coming home to a clean house and that it's managed appropriately, and I find that arousing. I know he will do his job and tend to the household as he's always done. When I come home everything is always done.
6 years

Is there a point of no return? (my questions)

1. In my experience fattening my little husband, there is a point at which your habits and environment have changed to make it very difficult to lose the weight. Each time he gained a substantial amount of weight I would take him out to do an activity he used to love, to see how fat he had gotten. Each time it seemed too difficult for him to complete the task, or how he tackled it completely changed based on weight.

2. In my second hand experience yes, it will be easier to put on more weight after having gained a substantial amount, because once you cultivate the habit of laziness, or weakness, and overindulgence it compounds on itself. As he fattened, the activities became harder, and thus were cut out of his routine (except household chores).
6 years