Lose weight to gain?

I’m thinking about starting to gain, but I feel like I need to lose weight first. I just really like the idea of going from a skinny little thing to a massive pig. I’m also hoping that maybe after the current fat on my body leaves, maybe the new fat with distribute more evenly. Has anyone else done this? Is it a good idea?

I had one of my feedees do this, they had been skinny when younger and had gotten pretty chubby before we started.
When we were making plans I explained I wanted her to start from ‘scratch’. So all the fat was from our relationship. Plus getting her to a place where she had to be disciplined with what she ate and regularly exercising and then turn the table and have her give into desire was amazing.

That's an interesting dynamic that I hadn't really thought about. Would be intriguing from a relationship and control standpoint.

Oh yes I mean that’s a big part of the appeal from both parties. Also for the feedee if they want to gain having to go the other way delays the gratification. To work towards the opposite of what you want in order to be allowed to gain at all.
3 years

I'm looking for a feeder

Be cautious with Ace 2002 folks.

Just received the following appalling message from him as follows:

"Sorry you must have typed my name wrong I have a legit account on Instagram and I gave you the name obviously you're too fucking stupid and typed it wrong I hate to be mean but you have a bitch attitude and you ain't worth my fucking time.I don't want to get to know you and I wouldn't fucking fatten you up for shit not what your shitty attitude you want to tell me to *** when I have done a goddamn thing wrong go fucking jump off a cliff you ***ing ugly cunt"

Jesus, sorry you had to go through that.
3 years

Lose weight to gain?

Another fun thing can be seasonal yo-yo-ing
That is to get as fat as you can half the year then be more restrictive for the other half.
3 years

Lose weight to gain?

I’m thinking about starting to gain, but I feel like I need to lose weight first. I just really like the idea of going from a skinny little thing to a massive pig. I’m also hoping that maybe after the current fat on my body leaves, maybe the new fat with distribute more evenly. Has anyone else done this? Is it a good idea?

I had one of my feedees do this, they had been skinny when younger and had gotten pretty chubby before we started.
When we were making plans I explained I wanted her to start from ‘scratch’. So all the fat was from our relationship. Plus getting her to a place where she had to be disciplined with what she ate and regularly exercising and then turn the table and have her give into desire was amazing.
3 years

Fat or thin faces?

Chubby cheeks, double chins. My favourite kind of girl is one who gets fat in the face early on. I’ve dated a few girls who get fat asses and fat faces as soon as they gained weight.
Ideal in my opinion.
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

Pretty straight forward really. Get a woman who is very athletic, driven by fitness and careful about what they eat, and make them through encouragement and manipulation to be a fat lazy slob. Getting to watch the person they were be replaced by the new pig they’ve become. Their goals and desires replaced by hunger and laziness.

Yeah, that’s hot. I have a few fantasies that are a variation of this, from both sides of it.

i was a model...my boyfriend has me at 200 pounds....I wore size q6 jeans lWast.time he let me habe oants...I jiggle

Amazing, living the dream
3 years

I don’t know what to do with myself anymore

I keep fantasizing about getting fat but I know my family would judge me and my boyfriend wouldn’t like it. But I think about also everyday and I can’t stop myself from fantasizing about it. The only other downsides I see to getting huge are the cost of food and new clothes. Idk what I should do. Someone help.

I mean firstly your family will get used to you fat, the May judge you at first but once they see you are a fat girl and that’s the way you’re going to stay they will accept it.

As for the boyfriend. It is your body. You have to be happy in it. If he doesn’t like fat girls maybe it’s time to find someone who does.

The food and clothes part can be an issue, clothing you have to be strategic, stretchy clothes that don’t have fixed waist bands, and are forgiving.
3 years

Getting lazy

The fatter you get, the fatter you get. I’m fat because I’m lazy and I’m lazy because I’m fat. Certainly fat people can be active, but there’s just something about embodying the stereotype of the lazy glutton that frankly turns me on.

^Ha, see my wife was the reverse.

She was a clean freak, always on the run, never sat down-type.

And it's so hot to see as the weight creeps on, they become lazier. The activity declines and then the moment they start to acknowledge that they're "fat", the transparency of being lazy has the weight absolutely pile on as they know to avoid specific activities, ie. bending over or stairs, etc.

It's a big turn on for me because they really become plump princess who don't want to lift a finger for anything any more and have no issue blatantly asking you to do it for them.....because....you know.... "I'm fat and lazy now".

I agree that transformation is really interesting to see.
A friend of mine was a personal trainer as was his girlfriend. They met at work actually.

She slowly but surely started gaining, they’ve been together 3 years now and well suffice to say she isn’t a personal trainer anymore.
It was such a natural progression for her but so interesting to see her go from a 130 lb lean trainer to a 250+ couch potato.

That's ridiculously hot.

Honestly it was amazing to see, I didn’t even know he was a fa or a feeder but then I wen river his last gfs and they all got bigger.

Last time I saw them they were quite the pair, he’s this lean little muscle boy and she is just huge. I asked what she’s doing now and it’s just a blank look and ‘just focusing on support ‘Insert boyfriends name’ at the moment.’
Delightful transformation,
3 years

Getting lazy

It seems like I may have always had a lazy streak but was involved in sports and just in a general habit of exercising. Once that habit was broken my true laziness has come out. I have zero desire to workout any more.

Every feedee I’ve had has been the same. So many of them say the gym is their life, but the moment they start to gain and aren’t being pushed to go they become couch potatoes every one. Very natural progression I think
3 years

Anyone else enjoy the “unhealthy” aspect of gaining?

There are a lot of posts about being “fit and fat” or “how to gain while being healthy”. That’s probably the smartest way to do this but I love the idea of getting increasingly unhealthy. Out of breath all the time, higher BP, higher cholesterol. Going to the Dr and hearing how much “unhealthier” I’ve become is exceptionally hot to me

Of course, my ex went regular to her trainer just to be told how out of shape she was getting.

She loved eating junk and how it made her feel ‘weak and tired’. It’s all part of it.
3 years