Bmi. what's yours?

32 BMI. 6' 2" height. Waist 42". smiley
5 years

How do you know you're a glutton?

Surely if you can sincerely recite the Glutton's Pledge you're one...but that's raising the bar pretty high. What are the minimal criteria?

What is the Glutton's Pledge? smiley
5 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

I love them. Of course there are facial features that make me more attracted or less when talking about looks alone, but I'm happy that I'm gettting to marry a chubby guy. He wants to lose weight because since he's been with me he's gained like 50lb and neither of us meant for that to happen. I support him but I do kinda wish he'd keep it. On the other hand I want his happiness first.

Have you told him you want him to keep the 50 pounds? A little encouragement can result in big gains! smiley
5 years

Favorite part of a bbws body?

Belly - both the big, full beach ball belly and a belly with rolls of fat.

Fupa - a big, fat pubic area is sooooooo hot!

Cheeks (face) - chubby cheeks are always sexy.

Breasts - any size. "Smaller" ones in contrast with a huge belly are awesome. The breasts only look small by comparison to the belly when in reality the breasts are D cup and larger.

Butt/wide hips - all the better for holding at the right time. Hand smacking a huge butt makes an amazing sound! Round and bulging butt cheeks are great for holding as well.

Thighs/calves/cankles - skinny legs just don't belong on a BBW. Thick thighs wrapped around me is heavenly.

Shoulders - wide, bare shoulders are erotic. I enjoy the bare shoulder style of clothes.

Arms - thick arms wrapped around me is wonderful.

Fingers - holding pudgy digits and being gripped by them (in various places) makes me very happy.

Lips - kissing full, wet lips is an incredible experience.

Now that I think about these parts, they may not necessarily be listed in the order of most to least favorite. Suffice to say, ALL parts of a BBW body are my favorites! smiley
5 years

What did you eat?

Pizza buffet at CiCi's. Now they also make individual pizzas as part of the buffet! I had three plus more from the buffet! 😎
6 years


So I have always had a round face but my double chin is a triple any time I move it. This usaully happens when I'm about to gain. I am starting to get them on my waist finely. My back is starting to get round ive always wanted a huge spair tire.
I'd love to get more rolls Ive always dreamed of having them hoe do oyhers feel about them?

I love rolls. The more there are, the sexier you are! 😎
6 years

Saggy tits

So since i was a developing young adult my tits have been so saggy... Now that im fat they are sitting on my stomach . im self conscious of them. Are saggy tits hot???

YES! Big saggy tits sitting on a large stomach is VERY hot! Incredibly sexy!
6 years

Weight gain competition!!

My girlfriend and I competed over five days to see who could gain the most. She gained more weight than I. She added 10.8 pounds to my 6.6. However, because I am smaller in weight, my percentage increase was larger. So, we both won!

We then went out to celebrate with ice cream.
6 years

Tasks that have become harder after weight gain

Clothes shopping!
Japanese stores simply don't sell garments big enough for my wife, so she has to order everything online. And as she's gotten fatter her fashion sense has changed too. No more jeans and slacks, a ton more sweatpants, tights, and leggings. It's a good thing she enjoys shopping online so much, and knows how to find a good deal!

The biggest change is sex, though! I literally can't find her vagina when she's standing up! She used to love riding on top but she's so big and heavy now all she can do is lie there.
Suits me fine- our love life has only improved as my lady has gotten bigger and softer. I've had to change my posture to work around her huge belly, but I enjoy having to work harder to make my obese princess climax!

What position works best for you now? Missionary has always been our favorite, but with both of our tummies getting larger, it is more difficult to get complete penetration. Doggy is becoming our favorite because she can use her tummy for support and I can rest mine on her ass. I have tried straddling one leg, but her thigh is so big, it was not comfortable for me having my legs spread so far apart.

I would enjoy knowing how you are making her climax! 😉
6 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

Even though I am now over 300 lbs, I must admit until very recently I saw this as a temporary state. I had always thought that I would reach a point and say "ok fun's over" and diet and exercise down to what I believed a more normal weight.

Me too! I've always been on the curvy/chunky side and for most of my adult life I was a small BBW in the low 200-220 lbs range. Then a medication made me lose a bunch of weight, and I simply could not accept myself as a smaller person. Part of that was why I started to gain a little more than 2 years ago.

Flash forward to now and nearly 120lbs fatter. I'm solidly over 300lbs and my body and appetite have both undergone major changes. I'm only full if I'm stuffed, I order fast food for imaginary people (me) all the time, and the thought of getting even fatter still turns me on like nothing else, despite having blown past my original goal 40 lbs ago. My belly has grown disproportionately since then, resulting in a bulging spare tyre so big and jiggly that it wobbles to it's own separate rhythm when I walk. If it sounds like I'm getting a little poetic, it's because I'm in love.

With that, it's starting to dawn on me that maybe I'm not just popping up to 300 for a quick visit, and 300 may not be the fattest I get... I'm only planning on another 10 lbs, but I've been saying that every 10 lbs since 260! What's funny is that I had a very well developed and comfortable identity as a fat person, but that's not the same as being a very fat person (although it did mean I'd made peace with my body and society long ago). It's obviously not as dramatic a change as someone going from actually thin to fat would experience, but it' seen significant for me!

I will say that I feel more at ease with other fat people, but for me it's mostly about adjusting to the changes. I'm much slower now, especially if I've recently put on a few and my muscles aren't used to it yet! For some reason new weight makes my lower back ache like crazy if I have to walk any real distance without stopping for a break, so I'm getting used to planning them in. Same thing with my commute time- I now count the walk from the car to wherever. I'm making an effort to learn how to dress in a way that I feel looks cute and accommodates my belly comfortably, because now it's this big soft but unyielding thing that sort of demands to be dealt with in all sorts of ways. I travel with an extender, and if I get much bigger I'm going to have to get one for my car. I'm somewhere between disbelief and taking these milestones in stride.

The thought of fully giving in to life as a 300-something pounder is more exciting than it is worrying, so I guess I'm on my way! Acceptance certainly feels a lot more likely than a diet smiley

Thanks for sharing! It was exciting to read. Very inspiring. I hope you keep gaining and gaining.
6 years