Girlfriend weight loss

The politically correct thing to say is that it does not matter. And if someone could not help losing weight, such as an illness, I would say stick with her.

However, in most cases, when people start to diet, they also have an extreme change in personality too. Thier day revolves around what they ate and didn't eat, or could have eaten, or should have eaten.

If you still love her, stick with her. But if her personality changes, and she hates herself being fat, and hates you for liking her fat, it might be a good time to find someone who makes you happy,
12 years

Understanding humilation

I try to play along when someone asks me to insult them. But I find it very hard. I just find BBWs, SSBBWs and gainers VERY attractive. It's hard to insult somone who you find is superior.
12 years

Bggest woman i have seen

Murphy wrote:
johnxyz wrote:
If you want to see a lot of women over 500, go to the dance at a NAAFA convention. Obviously, not everyone is over 500, but many are. Many are married or have boyfriends, but if you just want to look, feel free to come.

Women are not just objects to be ogled. They're not attending the dance to be perved upon. You're going with the intention of objectifying them without their consent and in doing so you are disrespecting them.

How many times must this exact topic be retread before people understand that?

Everyone goes for different reasons. I go for the civil rights. I have marched with NAAFA at the White House, and in the Million Pound March. I have donated money, ran a chapter, and have spent hundreds our hours donating my time for the cause.

Your comments are VERY sizist. Women of all sizes spend millions of dollars on clothes and make-up to be admired. Why would it be any different for large women? They are the same as any other women, and like to be admired.
12 years

Bggest woman i have seen

If you want to see a lot of women over 500, go to the dance at a NAAFA convention. Obviously, not everyone is over 500, but many are. Many are married or have boyfriends, but if you just want to look, feel free to come.
12 years

Sopa pipa

[quote]GOOD wrote:

Im betting it would cause a LOT of people working with those big companies and any affiliates to lose their jobs.


Yes, a lot of people in India would lose their jobs.
12 years

Who weighs 500+ pounds?

If you participate in the discussions in chat and the forums, read the profiles, etc., you will see who they are. Most are not shy about it.
12 years