Cruise weight gain

I’ve always enjoyed cruising on Norwegian. Freestyle dining so you can eat at any of the restaurants all night. Several places open for all meals. Room service included. I gained like 8lbs on my last cruise.
1 year

Company making people fat ? called sohcharmonee

Yeah math is a bit off. They recommend 3Tbsp/day. There are 16 in a cup so roughly 5 doses. Wonder if 720 is per Tbsp or per dose?
1 year

Intros in notifications?

I’m liking the feature. Agree with building community. Thanks!
1 year

Company making people fat ? called sohcharmonee

Interesting find. I would love to try this stuff!
1 year

Heavy cream weight did not stick

From what I hear it takes a few weeks of consistent use and/or delayed response.
1 year

Heavy cream alternatives?

Most shakes powders etc use milk protein. That keeps me from being able to use them. I hear about plant based heavy cream but I think it’s pricey and have never found it at market. Peanut butter is pretty effective.
1 year

Sore gut muscles from stuffing

Have to agree with munchies. The abdominal wall is layer on layer of skeletal muscle (the kind you can control…and stretch before workouts or stuffings). The stomach and intestines have smooth muscle in their wall, the type of muscle we have no control over. These can also stretch with time to accommodate larger servings etc.
1 year

What’s your best advice for funnel feeding?

Bit of a novice myself but have tried it before. Recommend a beer bong with a valve so you can fill then enjoy. Would start with water or Powerade for volume before moving on to shakes. Would do your first session or two in the shower in case you overdo it. Rigging up some sort of ring holder was next but I didn’t make it that far.
1 year

Tools of the trade

If you’re into tube feeding you can order nasogastric tubes online though id recommend small caliber. Can also buy gravity bags online in various sizes with a flow control dial. More a simple machine situation but it works if you k ow what you’re doing
1 year
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