Feedee/feeder vacation

Is this happening? When? What port? How long?

I’d vote spring, Miami, 5-7days
1 year

Feedee/feeder vacation

I’m sorry are we planning a feedist cruise? Bc I’m very here for this. Can’t wait to waddle on before rolling off that ship. Count me in!
2 years

Central texas event

I love to see this thread get some traction. I’m still up to meet folks. I’ll have to get to eating more to get ready.
2 years


I’m from the ATL area. Always looking for an excuse to go home. Sign me up!
2 years

Fat camp

I would definitely go. It would also be awesome if we were fed, on a schedule, hungry or not.

Ah you seek our budding singles package, where we match you with a willing feeder.
2 years

Central texas event

Lubbock here, but always up for any excuse to leave town for the weekend
2 years

Heavy cream

Oh I’d never chug it straight. Not in that volume. I put it in an insulated cup and drank it throughout the day. After breakfast. And with a probiotic for completeness sake.
2 years

Heavy cream

So I have been intrigued by the idea of gaining weight by drinking heavy cream, but when I tried before couldn’t stomach it Bc of GI upset. I can handle cream sauces etc though so I thought maybe it was a protein issue. Anyway…I put a quart of cream on the double boiler and brought it up to temp for 5-10min. Let it cool. Skimmed the skin off the top. Mixed with chocolate syrup and downed the whole quart. So far no issues next day.
2 years

Is there anyway to get a single belly instead of a double?

Apart from above and probably obvious, don’t wear your pants up there lol. Be sure the waist sits below your belly
2 years
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