What kind of scale is better? digital or dial?

Does anyone use a smart scale? I’d like to be able to track data via an app. Any recommendations?
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Visually, the memory is hazy, but I can hear everything crystal clear when I think back. I was three. My family had just moved into a new house, it was late at night and I was hungry. So I asked my mom for a bowl of cereal and she said no, because "you can't eat late at night or else you'll get fat". At the time my little 3-year-old brain couldn't quite process the feelings but I think that sense of rejection over the most basic need for sustenance hammered three fundamental truths into me:

1. This isn't love.
2. When you love someone, you feed them.
3. If they get fat, that means you're doing a good job.

Growing up, I would daydream about bringing my crushes food and them voraciously devouring it, demanding more, and getting fat. It was kinda hard navigating the world of feedism at the time because most of the stories available were about force feeding an unwilling victim and I didn't want to see myself as that person...so I would secretly write kink stories just to reread when I was in the mood that usually featured someone who was undernourished for some reason or other being nursed back to health and chubbed up by a loving caretaker who was a proxy for me. Honestly, my style hasn't changed much, writing wise. There are just supervillains involved now.

Amazing that you can trace it back to a formative moment. My “awakening” happened at a similarly young age, but I have no idea of the trigger.
2 years

Heavy cream

So I have been intrigued by the idea of gaining weight by drinking heavy cream, but when I tried before couldn’t stomach it Bc of GI upset. I can handle cream sauces etc though so I thought maybe it was a protein issue. Anyway…I put a quart of cream on the double boiler and brought it up to temp for 5-10min. Let it cool. Skimmed the skin off the top. Mixed with chocolate syrup and downed the whole quart. So far no issues next day.

Interesting. I’ve found my body takes time to adjust to it. Whenever I go on a double cream binge, for the first two days I feel bloated and sluggish, but after that, I can easily drink 300-600ml per day with little to no discomfort.

I rarely chug it, and bitter personal experience has taught me not to drink more than 300ml at once. I generally spread it throughout the morning.
2 years

Easy ways to incorporate cream into diet?

It must be chugged directly from the carton, no other method is allowed.

This, this, this and this.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

3 pints a day will, in all likelihood, make you feel terrible and will mostly go undigested. What I’ve found is that it is most effective spread throughout the day. I’m drinking between 300ml and 600ml per day on top of conventional overeating. It takes a few days for the bloated feeling to go a away, but I’ve found my body adjusts pretty well to it.

And it’s making me get fat at an alarming rate, which is causing me to be hopelessly addicted to it. Im a bit scared, tbh.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I'm on day 8 and I've gained 5.4 pounds and the thought that there might be a delayed gain is making my head swim...
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I'm doing a week of 7,000 calories a day, 2,800 of which are coming from double cream. Hopefully I'll report back fatter.
2 years

Those who have gained weight on purpose...

I'm definitely happier fatter. I put on about 20 lbs during the first UK lockdown only to lose 10 lbs again afterward. I saw a comparison photo and felt genuine sadness. I was in that moment absolutely certain that I needed to gain them again, which I subsequently did. I've plateaued for a while due to life, though happily haven't lost any.

Seeing and feeling myself grow, being fat, is without a doubt the most mind-blowingly erotic experience. Much more so that I could have hoped. For anyone sitting on the fence about it, take it from me: Actually getting fatter is even better than you imagine it's going to be.
2 years

Fed 20,000 calories a day for a month 100lb gained

Even if someone could sustain the intake of 20,000 calories per day, it’s extremely unlikely their digestive system could absorb that amount.
2 years

Gaining survey!

1. Do you consider gaining more of a fetish or need?

Usage of the word "fetish" is inconsistent and thus open to interpretation. But assuming that it's use here is to suggest that feedism is an additional and non essential component to one's sexuality, then definitely the latter. My sexuality is entirely fat and feedism based.

2. How much have you gained (on purpose)?

Off and on, 50 pounds.

3. What's your weight goal?

Fantasy: Heavier than yesterday and lighter than tomorrow.
Reality: I swing between wanting to be leaner, say 200lbs, and wanting to be 300lbs+.
2 years
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