Enema inflation

Looking for tips or suggestions on how to do one. Im very familiar with air inflation with an aquarium pump, but look for something a little different

not sure where to start and what to buy.
7 months

Bloating tips

Looking for tips on how to bloat for longer. I can get two liters down, but then immediately after I need to use the bathroom.

Do I just have to keep it up and bloat more often, or should I be eating more before trying to bloat?

Just kind of dishearting rn because I can finally easily manage to get 2l down and then i have to pee and feel like i lose all progress.
1 year

Cake shake bloat - am i doing something wrong?

Tried a cake shake bloat today and really it didnt do anything that was promised. I'll admit I didnt use much. 1/4 of the bag of mix and two cups of milk followed by a whole water bottle.

I'm half convinced the whole bloat is pyschosomatic. 32oz of milk will bloat up a lot of people, followed by all that water. Should I try again with the half bag and about the same amout of liquid? Im sure the thickness would be enjoyable.

just looking for some help. I really wanted this to be what everyone says it is.

So, what makes a cake shake bloat you comes down to a chemical and physical reaction.

Cake mix has a leavening agent - usually baking powder. This, when combined with your stomach acid and natural body heat, causes your belly to expand. This is further compounded when the flour absorbs the liquid inside of you and swells.

The problem is that you diluted it too much.

so like what amounts do you recommend? I'm off work tomorrow and very interested to see what this can do if it works.
1 year

Cake shake bloat - am i doing something wrong?

Tried a cake shake bloat today and really it didnt do anything that was promised. I'll admit I didnt use much. 1/4 of the bag of mix and two cups of milk followed by a whole water bottle.

I'm half convinced the whole bloat is pyschosomatic. 32oz of milk will bloat up a lot of people, followed by all that water. Should I try again with the half bag and about the same amout of liquid? Im sure the thickness would be enjoyable.

just looking for some help. I really wanted this to be what everyone says it is.
1 year

How to avoid cramping?

everytime i inflate, i end up getting very bad cramps, until i fully deflate. is that normal? can i improve upon this?

i start and stop. then start again. eventually the cramps win and i stop and definitely feel like i could keep going.
2 years

Potato flakes?

How does that work with the flakes in general? Just downing some of those and it'll happen or do you need to drink something (etc.) for it to work?

theyre instant potatos. so they expand rapidly with water. usually people mix it into a paste consistency and eat that and then chug water. I honestly cannot get past the taste and texture of it. so i thought putting it in the capsules, throwing back a handful and chugging might do the same, albeit a little slower
2 years

Potato flakes?

Has anyone ever tried putting the flakes in those empty pill capsules? This method has intrigued me forever, but the one time I tried it I couldnt get past the taste, even doing it as fast as I could.

After thinking about those capsules to get it down, I've been thinking about how hot it would be to down a ton of them and feel myself expand from nothing. If it will be instantaneous that all of the capsules will dissolve or if it will be a slower inflation.
2 years

Weight gain on celexa/citalopram

not me, but someone i know.

they had anxiety related weight loss before being put on it. they gained back the weight they lost and then 80lbs.

theyre not into this lifestyle, so they want to lose it. but no matter what they eat or what they do it seems to stick to them.
2 years

Cake shake help

Exactly what i felt! I still have my suspicions that it might be because of the type of cake mix we use? Or maybe its the way we prepare it? Or maybe its just us lol. But i am sure theres something odd here.

i used betty crocker yellow. followed the directions to the T. wonder if it only works for some people, like coke and mentos. i'd love to try it again and get it to work, but it was nauseating trying to chug that down.
4 years

Cake shake help

You can use any cake mix and even brownie mix. I can't imagine having a cake shake before a meal though lol. It sits in your gut like a lead brick

I was confused because ive head a cake shake before and i didnt feel the sitting in your gut like a brick feeling at all. maybe things willl be different this time though who knows

i felt the same way. was very underwhelming. also too sweet. i could not chug it fast enough.
4 years
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