Hiding the sidebar

Good luck, but I think you're stuck with it. We had a thread criticizing the new "upgrades" but it was shut down because our feedback (which was largely negative) wasn't appreciated.

The best we were told it that "upgrades aren't finished yet." But this gist is, they aren't going to revert to the beloved top bar only format.

I hate the new side bar and forum layout so much I can barely bring myself to visit weekly, when I used to be a steady daily visitor.

Best of luck to you mate, hopefully they listen.
1 year

Updating sexual orientation options

I'm sure this will bring me a lot of hate, but I'd really like to not see transsexual individuals when I'm browsing females, and I can't believe I'm alone in thinking this either.
1 year

Hate the latest changes to the website

Agreed, I absolutely hate it. No question. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the navigation at the top. The fact it's now on the left and so incredibly IN YOUR FACE is specifically annoying. I don't need to stare at my profile and certainly don't need all these obtrusive drop downs. It's not even like they're all over there either, there are still navigation options at the top. Worse yet, I can' minimize the hide the menu and now I have to stare at my f-ing face on EVERY page?

100% absolutely terrible update. Makes me not want to come back here. There wasn't anything wrong with the old navigation bar at the top. And like fatiluvr says, the forums are almost impossible to use now. It's so large and gaudy. Why are the previews so big? Why are there any previews on the main forum page at all? I'm really struggling to understand these changes are supposed to make my experience here better.

Thanks for the effort, but I hate it.
1 year

Can't click my profile or dropdown

Something changed when I logged on today. Dark mode is no longer active and I can't click on my profile or the dropdown next to it in the upper right on any page. What gives?
1 year

Search no longer permanent?

Previously on the Videos and Pics pages searches were 'saved' so that whenever I went there, my regular search was already entered as a default. Now whenever I go to those pages, I have to manually do a search. Can we get this changed back to whatever I choose is always there unless I change it again?
2 years

Borderline humiliation

I don�t know if I like hummaliting... well maybe yet but I do like when my fat spots and problem areas are addressed but I don�t know where that falls

Is that light teasing?

I could be wrong but I always saw humiliating as public and perhaps embarrassing whereas teasing was a bit more personal and more private.
5 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

Avocado's, whether it be an avocado spread or guacamole dip, it's high in fat, good for you and depending how you mix it, very tasty. Great on sandwiches, in salads, stuff like that. I'm sure you can find a few things she's already eating to add it too, she won't even notice.

I'm also a big fan on Coconut Oil, its good enough to smear on toast, you can fry stuff up with it on the stove, you can even use it as a sweetener in tea, coffee, or hot chocolate.

Adding these 2 items to her diet regularly and I bet you'll be able to tell a difference before she does.
5 years

Images cut off (poor cropping)

I'm in the same boat, noticed it not long ago, but didn't think it was every pic, now it seems like every pic is missing bunches off the edges.

It's like the pic and the thumbnail have swapped places. Before, the thumbnail pic would be the cropped pic, now it's the pic being cropped, not the thumbnail.

Is this being addressed or are we leaving it to the OP to do some fancy editing to make sure their stuff posts correctly?
6 years

New to gaining

Thanks everyone, really nice to know you're all here and liking this shape. I had a coworker ask me what was going on with me today and seem concerned and I could tell she meant my belly because she kept not trying to look. I don't blame her, I need to buy new clothes as my sweather was stretched tight around my middle uncomfortablu. It made me feel bad but also good that my belly is getting so big that people Can't ignore it. Im seeing it's an emotionally complex journey to gain. But it's one I think would make me even happier if I were a even a bit bigger. Today, even though a good stuffing still didn't make my bellh roll over (i've been trying for that but it's still just stucking straight out without rolling) My belly was so big that I couldnt see my feet underneath it- that made me happy. Hopefully I don't see them without beinding over or being in a mirror again. Even if some days others make me feel bad for not understanding why i'd choose being flabby over skinny

Patience and stuffing will get that belly bigger and eventually drop. You might be destined to be a big belly girl, like the others said, fat goes where fat wants to go and we're all different.

Getting new clothes might be the biggest chore of gaining, arguably more expensive depending on how much/fast you grow. Some girls like the feeling of outgrowing their clothes as they get tighter and tighter, others prefer to hide it, there is nothing wrong with either. How did it feel to have her glancing at your bulging tummy? Was it a turn on or was it shameful? I hope it wasn't shameful even though it sounds like she was trying to push that agenda.

Keep your head up and don't give into negativity. Stay positive and stay confident, after all you are doing this for yourself, and confidence is the sexiest. It might get tough, from others I've talked to it's a constant balancing act to acceptance, but life is like that regardless.

You have the right attitude and your body is gaining in the right places. Be happy. Be proud. Keep enjoying the journey, the last 30 pounds were great and I suspect the next 30 pounds will be even greater.
6 years

How much do you think i should gain?

An extra 50 to get to 300 for a 100+ pound total gain sounds like a great goal. It doesn't have to be the last goal, that all depends on how you feel. 300 is a nice round number ;-) and a typical benchmark number. You never know how you'll react once those digits flip over to *00 again. Best of luck, can't wait to see how big that soft round belly gets.
7 years
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