Why can't i find a feeder?

It's cause there was a influx of people entering the fetish (for wrong reasons) and would so most feeders are on hyper alert still do to thing that happen in the community plus also not every who roles in places like this is 💯 so that hurt both sides plus many I think just want a date with a side of feederism but that's just my view of everything.
2 years

Anyone from the midwest ? (usa)

Gaming and nerdiness is alway good
3 years

Wanting to get pregnant 🤰🏻

I wouldn't mind getting to know you
3 years

Anyone from the midwest ? (usa)

Chicago here love both as well
4 years

What book(s) are you reading right now?

Currently reading crusade in Europe by Dwight d Eisenhower
7 years

500 calories per hour

Seem possible but you'd you'd probably end up going over it within current hours
8 years

Who are the doms and who are the subs?

I'd say switch I general tend to be submissive till I know the partners better then I'll roll in Dom,
8 years

Music genres

Mostly metal theese days but I do listen to electronica alternative and dubstep also punk
8 years

Since what age?

Well fa/encourager I've known what I like sense ten so ya I would be a feeder but never been with someone who ist a non- fa so most plan of doing so have not worked to my advantage but I'd say totally spie's passion patties ep helped trigger it but anime expandion along with other sites lead me here
8 years

Chubby girl looking to get fat

I've been here a long time I just choose to lurk and then I forgot my old account info and made this one
Some Chicago people...where have you guys been all this time? lol
8 years
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