What weight by the end of the year?

200 is my real mark here. It's going to be slow-going. But I'm almost 170 now. I really gain in 5lb increments and they can be hard to get, but once they're there, they're there.
1 year

How much can you eat

I used to measure it based on how many small pizzas I could do. That was about 2 morrisons pizzas.

I don't know how many I can do now (probably more), but I do a large Dominos-sized pizza, half a garlic bread, and some chicken strips on a regular basis. It's not an incredible amount, but the consistency of this has shown.
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I can actually discuss a bit about this.

My journey really started when I was about 100 lbs. But my metabolism at the time was rapid. And while it's easier to put on weight now, it's always been seemingly impossible or at least very frustrating. Some of my family would point to this as the thing they'd be most envious about, and then a week later I'd get something like "if only you knew what you could do with fat"

As I've gained bit by bit, most of it has had to do with what fits and what doesn't. And it can sometimes be difficult to tell. I could wear something for years and never realize when time's up for it. Even right now, I'm wearing a pair of jeans that is fine, but if it weren't for another pair I wore yesterday, I wouldn't have noticed that I'm filling these ones out a lot more, and time might be ticking. I can still cross my legs, but not without a little bit of work. Some of my shirts are beginning to feel like I've grown out of them too, and when I used to go for large shirts just for sleeping, now I do it all the time.

When people start to notice, I've gotten "You've put on some weight, but... it's not like you're fat" or even the more recent "It looks good on you". Sometimes it would go back and forth between people thinking I'm thin or putting on weight. Those are the most confusing parts for me. I guess it doesn't help that I also have another unique thing where one of my organs is enlarged, so it throws everyone off.

One thing I can say for certain is that when it comes to appetite, it's like credit. The more you gain, the easier it is to eat more. I am more oftentimes presented with something I get daunted by, but I'll end up getting surprised by being able to eat all of it, and then some.

For the record, I'm now about 165lbs, or beginning to push 12 stone.

I do hope that helps.
1 year

When did your belly start to hang?

Mine still hasn't. I'm still under 200lbs so take that for what you will, but what I do know is that genetics have told just about everyone in my family to get most of the weight in the lower body. So much so that when I went for the first appointment for trans healthcare, they were firm in saying I'd be pear-shaped. My guess is that when I surpass 220, that's when I'll notice it hang.
1 year

What made you decide to get fat?

Started a looooong while back for me. Some of it came out of curiosity, some of it came out of spite, and some out of pleasure (obviously).

I have an odd belly. I'm (still) not very fat, and it's clear when I'm wearing clothes, but not so much when they're off. So as not to completely give myself away, I have a distended stomach due to disability at birth, and so it's disporportionally bigger than just about everything else. I also am known for a large appetite. So, you'd put these two things together and think, well, I'm probably well on my way to immobility.

The catch here is that even in my 20s, my metabolism has worked like a racecar.

I've also been remarked numerous times for how thin I tend to be, even when it's not quite as much as people think. So in order to have some kind of decent body mass, I decided to go this route. I can't exactly remember when I first wanted to gain, but it was early enough. I look at the body I have, and wonder just how big I can get. I also wonder, if the ratio I have already in my body would stay the same, or if everything else would shift around. It's a fun journey in that way.
2 years

How fat would you like to be?

ideally? Ballpark of 300.
It always looks impossible from any vantage point where I am, so right now I'm just seeing if I can get to 190. I was pushing 170 at a time.
2 years

How i decided to get fat

I actually have another condition which extends my belly. It kind of makes me look a bit chubby, but there's a weird imbalance between that and everything else. So part of this is me wondering what it would look like, if that balance were fixed. I've had varying degrees of success, but I almost always get thwarted by one thing or another. I've managed to get into clinical overweight territory, but the more underlying condition quickly dropped my weight.

I've also been into this whole fat thing for about as long as I remember. Curiosity turned to arousal, and now it's at the point where, if my husband is losing weight, then I might as well continue try to pack on. It's a very upward battle for me though.

Oh, I'd almost forgotten: This is also a way for me to transition. See, I can't do hormones in the traditional sense, at least not pills or injections. So I have to basically shape my body from the outset. Not exactly the way I'd like to go about it, but at least I'm getting curvier!
2 years

What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

There was a kid roughly two or three doors down from my house when I was a kid, he was enormous for the age we were.

I remember in secret, trying to do things to look more like him.

It could also have been a very early sign of my bisexuality, but that might be quite a stretch.
4 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I remember asking once pretty generally what being fat was like, since I'd always been curious.

My response was something to the effect of "It's like having a lot of pizza dough as a belly" and that notion rather turned me on. I'd been trying to gain since.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

It's been such a long while (long story short, I've lost a lot of weight due to health issues not related to gaining), but I do remember whenever I did heavy cream, I would notice that spike. Sometimes in about a few days, but it'd gotten me from about 10 stone to 12. I've been riding on 10.5 after a lot of work gaining back the weight I lost.

Short answer, it's been key for me.
4 years
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