Alternative sites to tumblr ( please don't say facebook)

There's a bunch of discord servers where people have created channels in. A few of them are public and if you briefly log back into Tumblr, I'm sure that someone has posted a link to them somewhere if you do a quick search.
5 years

What movies have you watched recently?

Watched Bandersnatch which is fabulous for anyone who likes a bit more of a cerebral watch -- though technically it's an episode of black mirror. You can watch it like a film though -- sort of. It's hard to describe. It's an interactive film.

You probably haven't seen anything like it.
5 years

Teased and force fed

I feel that! Force-feeding and fattening up from it is like the ultimate submission.
5 years

Gaining dinner in nw washington

As for arranging the event itself, you should be able to find a casino that does private events and it shouldn't really be an issue.

As for clientele -- maybe set up a website or a page on twitter or something where people can RSVP. Assume that only 2/3 of that will actually show up. Maybe you could charge a ticket price (which most Casinos will require you to do as the charge is usually per person).

For women -- Maybe go to fetlife and talk to some of the organizers of events there. Some events are better than others and I get it, a lot of those events are not "our kink" but a lot of those people have been handling questions like that for a long time -- some more successfully than others.

There are ways to make kink positive spaces inclusive for women, but ShakesSphere is right -- many women don't want to go to them. It's not because they're shy, but frequently because being in a kink space inherently means there's going to be a bunch of people that expect sex out of you and can raise the chances of sexual assault and pervy dudes. You can block someone online but in real life people can just keep following you around.

Potential solution: make it a week long event or a few days with different days for different people? Or try to find a way to have workshops or something that specifically women-only spaces? Potentially getting a female organizer onboard might help you out, too.

Women deserve places to exercise their sexuality, too without feeling objectified and that's the key to an event like that being successful, I think.
5 years

Habits to help me gain?

I'm around 140 now and want to gain to around 200-250 very quickly. What are some habits to get into to help me gain? I want something that will be hard to get out of so I keep gaining and it makes it hard to go back. Thanks smiley

Calculate how many cals you need in a day in order to maintsin your weight (a simple Google search will do) and then eat more than that. 500 cals extra should be enough to start out with.

Skip breakfast. This slows down your metabolism a bit.

Choose foods that are dense in calories like chocolate, cheese, cream, butter etc etc.
Don't forget your fruits and veggies though. It's important to get your minerals and vitamins. Same goes for protein. Get enough of that in your diet. Plus, every bit of protein your body doesn't end up using that day will turn to fat.. So yeah. Bonus!

Also, going to the gym to lift some weights in order to strengthen your muscles is not a bad idea either. It'll be super beneficial in the long run.

Best of luck!

I am living pretty much this way, but stopped gaining month ago. Did I just crush my metabolism and it got used to these amounts of calories?

Or is it the stress that avoids any further gaining?

Let me know what you think...

I am always wandering, it cant be true, eating so much and not gaining a pound anymore

Have you adjusted your BMR rate? Your basic caloric needs go up as your weight goes up. It's possible you haven't adjusted for your new weight.

Sometimes your metabolism will adjust to your food intake as well, so possibly changing the times of day you eat might help.

Best of luck!
5 years

Fattening up in fourteenth-century cairo (reading available in both eng. & fr. versions)

Fattening Up in Fourteenth-Century Cairo
Ibn al-Ḥāǧǧ and the Many meanings of Overeating
Marion Holmes Katz

"Over the past several decades, the problem of obesity has attracted overwhelming attention in the popular and scholarly press. Partially in reaction to the medical conceptualisation of healthy body weight as a biological universal, scholars have directed increasing attention to the historical and cultural specificity of the social meanings of fat. This article focuses on an account by the Mamluk-era scholar Ibn al-Ḥāǧǧ (d. 737/1336) of contemporary Egyptian women�s systematic cultivation of ample bodies, which has until now received little scholarly attention. Ibn al-Ḥāǧǧ�s discussion places the issue of intentional over-eating within several different interpretive frames, including religious law, erotic ideals and medicine.



This is an interesting article. I thought it was rubbish at first, or like a title for a story but no. This is a legitimate study done by an NYU professor. Cool stuff man~ Thanks for sharing!
5 years

Common misconceptions about feederism

Indeed it's not true that ALL feedees are female and all feeders are male, but it's still the overwhelming majority.

I'd be curious to see actual numbers on this. I've met more male feedees than female personally, but then I'm in the queer community so I guess that skews my experience. Still, it would be interesting to find that out.

On a different note, another misconception is that it has to be a BDSM kind of relationship. In the dynamic I'm in, it's more like we spoil each other and take care of each other. As a feeder I like making them happy and spoiling them and their growing is kind of a by-product of that. Point is, feedism can be fluffy sometimes.
5 years

Competitive gaining?

That sounds like a lot of fun tbh~
5 years

Are there any yo-yo gainers here?

Usually the three major desires are not equally important for gainers:
- love for food
- love for being large
- love for the process of getting bigger.

How do you balance these?

Personally I yo-yo gaining and loosing 15-20 pounds at a time. Personally I love stuffing and getting stuff and the act of fattening up, but as soon as I feel like I have a hard time climbing (rock climbing is a big outlet for me) then I loose it down again.

I think with different people it's different though.
5 years

Who are the doms and who are the subs?

Bit of a switch--
I do like getting tied down and force fed and fattened though. Having a plump belly from someone else's doing is just the best. I feel like it's a bit like an ownership thing, like a collar.

I enjoy domming others if I'm fattening them, but definitely a soft dom who spoils feedees.
5 years
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