Misogynistic stories

I dont think you're being very open minded other's creative choices and thus threatening the safe space we have already come to enjoy. If reading hurts you that bad, simply dont.

You saw zero irony in using the term "safe space" while telling women to suck it up, eh? All while contributing absolutely nothing new to the discussion.

Two women spent quite a bit of time writing thoughtful explanations on the difference between "creative choice" and stories written by dudes who clearly believe women are less than human. Either you truly don't get it or you're being deliberately obtuse.
2 years

Pregnancy fetish

Thanks for replying. I should have specified my comment was for Melgirl. The point wasn't to kink shame and I think pregnancy fantasies are normal and common to most of us who are into weight gain. I just happen to be well-versed in infant trauma and it's distressing to see people treat it with such a cavalier attitude in real life. Not to mention wannabe parents in countries that have (rightfully) banned surrogacy for ethical reasons are turning to third world countries where "baby farms" exist. Ok, off my soapbox now.
2 years

Pregnancy fetish

Honestly pregnancy was my first fetish before I liked a fat belly. I’m happy my belly makes me look slightly pregnant (a little bit) c: I has always wanted to be pregnant but at the same time I don’t want kids.

You could do what I did and become a surrogate. I’m currently getting paid to be pregnant. Kind of a sweet deal

Please tell me this is fake or some sort of twisted joke. Aside from what should be obvious, which is women are human beings (as opposed to commodified brood mares), does anyone think of the child's needs? Please do research the trauma a child suffers when ripped away from the only mother they've ever known right after being born and tell me how your fucking fetish is more important.
2 years

Misogynistic stories

Gave the story a read because of this thread and I have to say: it's not unsalvageable? The misogyny is rooted in just a few lines and the tone, and it didn't need to be there to make the story work.

Comeuppance stories are common in this kink: a bratty, bitchy, or otherwise evil character becomes the victim of an enlarging transformation against their will. We love to see it. But that's the thing: the character Mrs. Mansfield is already so mean and dislikeable that the reader would have wanted to see her blimp up and suffer for it just because she's a racist landlord who abuses her working class tenants by threatening them with unlawful eviction and violating their privacy. It would still make sense to have her yell at/be mean to kids if that was portrayed as part of her just being a mean person in general, without portraying her personal aversion to motherhood as a villainizing trait. She's already a villain, you had me at "This is America, don't speak your Spanish around me" or however the line went.

As someone who's been slammed as a propagandist myself for some of my own fics (people have told me to keep my socialism out of feedist fic, etc) I get the compulsion to slide social commentary into your porno. But I think this story would be improved by not caricaturizing women for not choosing motherhood. If the author decides to rewrite, I say go for the "punish the racist capitalist who bullies the most vulnerable of us, aka children, just because she can" angle and leave the question of her bodily autonomy out of the laundry list of reasons why she deserves her punishment. That's just my constructive crit.

Well said and thank you. To be fair, I wasn't targeting any one story or author. However, I think some of the previous commentary only highlights my point.
2 years

Misogynistic stories

Baba Yaga:
If you don't like it, oh well. Better speak to the manager about it, Karen.

This has literally nothing to do with the entitlement and unjustified anger of a "Karen."

Regarding biglunch's assertion of "no misogyny here," I couldn't disagree more. The problem seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of what misogyny actually means. It's denotation is the hatred, dislike or mistrust of women based on the very fact that they are women. Whether a conscious choice or not, the story in question undeniably has misogynistic undertones if not blatant overtones. The main antogonist is a woman cast as past her prime, in accordance with the societal expectation that women must remain young, beautiful, and conventionally attractive to maintain any semblence of validity. This character is simultaneously vilified for not wanting to have children and ends up being "punished" with pregnancy. Villainizing women who choose not to have kids is textbook misogyny as it frames a woman's lack of desire to procreate as inherently wrong. In relation to societal gender biases, men who don't want children are never villified in the same way. Similarly, nor are men with jobs and children ever questioned about who's home taking care of the kids or how they manage to balance their work and home lives. Ultimately, women are burdened with the expectation that they be relegated to the domestic sphere and when they're not, their competency outside the home is questioned due to their supposed duties of childrearing.

Regardless of this site's primary function as a safe place/online community for and celebration of this fetish, I think Hanselswitch's point (and forgive me if I'm wrong) is that the story peddles in societal stereotypes of women and villifies a character expressly because she exists outside the parameters of acceptable femininity and what quantifies a "proper woman."

Thank you. My point exactly.
2 years

Misogynistic stories

How about we stop calling them mommy when they stop calling us daddy? Idk just a thought.

I’m pretty sure some women actually like the term, just like some men like the other term.

Different strokes for different folks. You’re into Hansel and gretel. If fattening up someone to use them for food (even in fantasy) isn’t objectifying them, idk what is. This is a fetus website, mind you. So I have nothing against that at all. People are into it from both sides.

No misogyny here.

You're referring to mommy/daddy in a different context. A pet name is one thing. Condescension is another. I also said nothing about objectifying.

And it certainly seems like this is a "fetus" website lately. 😄
2 years

Misogynistic stories

Is it just me, or is there an uptick in stories on here that completely dehumanize women?

Especially pregnancy fetish content. I mean... I understand that subject is feedist-adjacent, but when dehumanization is the entire point, any elements feedists might enjoy fall by the wayside.

Also, can we just stop using the word "mommy?" "She just couldn't wait to be a mommy!" Like, unless you came out of her lady garden, just stop calling even fictional women "mommy." Unless she's actually into infantalization, in which case, you're on the wrong fetish site.
2 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

I live for these stories. I've experienced mine via the chubsters I've dated. The one I'll share happened to my soon-to-be ex-husband. His mother's side of the family is Spanish. First time we visited Spain together they hadn't seen him since he was 15 and rail thin. They don't hold back over there. The second we entered the house to meet his extended family, his great aunt rubbed his belly and yelled, "Que gordo!" I burst out laughing, put my arm around him and squeezed his love handle while he turned beet red. Best day of my life. 😂
6 years

What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

the juicy:
I remember taking a road trip with some family friends. I was elementary school age as were the two boys we were traveling with. Both of them were chubby and the oldest one was down right greedy and already quite huge. While in the car with them, I watched them devour candy and snacks voraciously. I remember my brother cracking jokes but it didn't stop them or me from staring at them.

Then when we came to a rest area, the huge one asked if we had any more food to eat. I told him we have some plums and what not in the back of the old school station wagon. I told him to wait a second while I get the key. When I came back, he was already trying to get into the back of the car. Now, it was a 70's brady bunch style wagon and the window on the back door leading to the trunk area was half down. Anywho, I came back to find him stuck in the window, trying his best to reach for the goodies. I just stopped in my tracks and stared at his huge jiggling belly hanging out of his shirt and hanging down the window preventing him from going any further but yet he was still trying to reach as hard as he could. I was speechless and just watched until he got tired, and that took a while..lol. Then, when he finally gave up, he realized he was stuck and started freaking out because he realized his belly was out jiggling around, and his big butt was hanging out too. At that point, I got the giggles.

I couldn't get him out and ended up having to get help. He wedged himself in there so tight, the car had to be turned on to let the window down and I was too young to do that myself. Everyone had a laugh about it, and he finally got all the plums he wanted..lol. I was shocked he still had a appetite after that. He tore into those plums as if he didn't just polish off all the snacks in his car.

In high school, I lusted after him again. He was bigger than ever and played football. We would go out to have lunch together at the mall but after a while other kids would want to jump in the truck to go too. So I told him he should charge them a dollar and the effects were amazing.

He used that money to buy more food at lunch. The kids would gather around him at the tables and watch him eat piles of food. It was an amazing site because we didn't have that much time to eat. So he would pile the tray up with the goodness of the golden arches and get lost in unleashing his appetite. After a while I stopped going because he would pack his truck with as many kids as he could.

He really started to grow in size and popularity after that because he really embraced his appetite, openly gorged out, and ate other peoples food when offered. He was tall but also really wide in the hip area because he was actually bottom heavy with a big butt. So his pants could barely contain his thighs and butt and left zero room for his equally huge belly...especially after lunch. His popularity grew along with his size and he became known for being a beast on the football field and a hungry bear in the lunch room. Needless to say, I was speechless every time he would try to talk to me even though we grew up together. It didn't help that he seemed totally oblivious or at ease when his huge belly would be hanging out below his shirt but above his tight pants after yet another growth spurt.

Holy cow, I just realized where my lust for bottom heavy ssbhms came from...lol

All of this is the best thing I've ever read. 😂😂😂
6 years

Girlfriend not confident in her body

Don�t fight it HanselsWitch 😎 Let�s bake together!

Couldn't fight it if I tried. 😂😂😂
6 years
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