Fat shaming

i love teasing and mocking my fat little piggies, especially as i continue to feed their greedy apetites... taunting them with how large they are growing, their lack of control...

i especially enjoy asking them to do things they've grown too fat to do: "can you get the bowl off the top shelf for me? what do you mean you can't reach? oh, has your belly grown too fat, you can't get close enough?"

the best is seeing my fattened pig squeeze into a restaurant booth and tease them about the roll of fat bulging over the table. smiley

I’m so big... it would be embarrassing if you talked to me like this...

Honestly I think a little embarrassment is what you need to actually put in the work. I’ve taken a look at you account you’ve barely managed to lose any weight in the last 9months.
You would clearly rather stuff your face.
A little shame is really what’s called for here.
3 years

Craving a good teasing/humiliation

Mmmmm I need to buy ice cream

That a girl. Better make it two tubs.
3 years

Humiliation & submission

I’d love for someone to constantly be berating me and fat shaming me for how obese I’m getting whilst at the same time forcing feeding me
I like the feeling of being objectified like my only use is getting fatter for my feeder
Is anybody interested?

I fully get what you mean. I have done similar with feedees in the past.
3 years

Subtle hints that someone is into this lifestyle?

With the exception of girls who started off as feedees and become dates I have never had ‘the talk with a girl I’m dating’

I always joke early on that I am bad for the figure of the person I’m dating because I love cooking and love to spoil my girlfriends.

I have found ever woman I have ever dated after trying my food will say something like ‘oh man I think your going to make me fat’ and I will smile and say ‘I’d rather a happy fat girlfriend than a miserable skinny one’
Or something like
‘That’s alights, the food is worth it.’
I am always very clear that my cooking is fattening and I am always very encouraging for them to eat but transparent that it will make them fat.
Never had a girlfriend not get fat, never had a girlfriend who cared once they get passed the initial resistance of ‘what if I am unattractive’

I suppose my point is if they are into the lifestyle they will make it clear. A feeder will be all about food from the moment you start dating.
My last serious girlfriend and I got together because she react to a post I put up on social media saying ‘I love a girl that can eat, nothing sexier’
Now if you want them to stuff you, a conversation will probably have to happen.

Also my second point is more people are feedees and even feeders than realise it.
3 years

How large do you like your partner until you find the gain unattractive?

This may sound weird, but my partner becoming "unattractive" in this context is a ridiculously powerful turn-on.

No I get what you mean, a good chunk of the appeal is the transformation into something unattractive
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

So haven’t really seen anything here for tips for feeders like myself who have not intention of gaining while we fatten out feedees.

So I figured I’d put some tips up that have helped me, maybe other people have other tips they wanna ad.

So firstly staying active is important. I usually am in a romantic relationship with my feedees not always but often. So it is important to stay strong if your lady is only going to get heavier.

With my ex we actually made a game out of it, I would go to the gym and she would sit on the gyms couch and eat donuts while I did weights.
This can be handy if you don’t have a lot of time.
So make time to be active.

Secondly a lot of feeders talk about the temptation of food while they are feeding.
My suggestion is get yourself a low cal alternative to what you are feeding your feedee. For instance right now I am having a piece of vegan chocolate cherry cake which is both amazing and low sugar. My feedee is on her third slice of mud cake I made to be as fattening as possible.

My other suggestion is when your meeting feedees make sure you find one that isn’t into big guys themselves, because obviously it makes it difficult if they want you to gain.
I mostly date girls who like muscly guys, I have in the past made deals like, you eat that extra piece of cake and I’ll up my arm workout cause I know you like big arms.
This motivates you as well to stay in shape because you know it will help towards fattening your pig.

Anyway have no idea how many people care about this sorta thing but figured I’d ad something about it.
3 years

Part of the body do you think most attractive being fat?

Of course, the increasing size of the belly of the woman! I also kinda like the double chins too.

Oh double chins 👌🏻🤤
3 years

Part of the body do you think most attractive being fat?

Ass, thighs, belly and face are the main ones.
3 years

Craving a good teasing/humiliation

I need this too

My god just when I think I’ve seen it all you come waddling in here. My goodness I didn’t know I was at a farm. Have you done anything but stuff your face this year? Cause it looks like all you do is eat.
You should be ashamed of yourself, letting yourself go like this. How could anyone find a fat animal like you attractive.
Usually I’d say to exercise some self control but let’s face it pig you’re clearly a lost cause. Might as well open up a fresh tub of ice cream cause I think we can all see you’ll never be anything but a fat pig.

Eat up. We all know it’s all you’re really good for at this point porker.
3 years

Fattening a thin girl

I had been in a relationship for about 2 months and with a thin girl and i'm having a very good time with her.

Is nice, pretty, intelligent and very lovely, I'm really in love with her...but i have a little problem...she is thin.

Her body wasn't a problem until now that met her fat friends, since then I've been thinking in asking her to gain weight, but idk...i dont know what to do or how tell her this...

Eny help?

Honestly just date her for a bit if she doesn’t show any interest or signs that she’d be interested in gaining than you may need to walk away.
3 years
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