Weight gain challenges

I heard of a feedee being given weekly challenges to add calories to their diet. Only simple things such as eating half a tub of peanut butter and a box of double stuffer oreos every night for a week just before you go to bed. Giving you an extra 10,000cals a week.

Just wanted to see if anyone had any more weekly challenges as I really enjoy doing them and makes gaining more pleasurable than it already is.
11 years

Gainers package is free

Would love to be on the gainers package if there are still spaces smiley
12 years

3 questions for feedees

i) 170

ii) 300

iii) 500 +
13 years

Gaining weight/getting fat

When trying to gain weight/get fat what am I looking for within weight gain foods, is it the number of calories or the fat content? A combination of the two? Or something completely different?

Thank you smiley
13 years