My biggest problem with my big fat belly

My newest problem with my big fat belly is it now touches the steering wheel. Witch means I have to drive with 2 hands because I cannot make the full rotation with hand because my belly stops it lol.
1 year

This is wrong

I think parents should be willing and able to raise their children how ever they seem fit. But I personally wish I wouldn't have spent all those years loosing weight. Because I have always liked being fat. So. There is that too.
1 year

Weight gain goals for 2023?

I would like to get to 500bls but any where close would be cool.
1 year

Waking up

I kinda do this! I don't set an alarm though. I just eat when I wake up and go to the bathroom. Most the time it's just a snack, like 2 or 3 ho ho's or something. But sometimes I'll wake up and need a whole meal. It's been helping me get over this weight hump i was stuck at.
1 year

How do you wear your pants?

I wear all my pants over my belly. Mostly because when I sit down my belly falls so far in-between my legs that it hangs out when I sit. And that's frowned apon. I wear athletic shorts around the house under my belly though cuz I can be free there lol
1 year

It's a myth that fat people can't feel the cold!

In my experience it works like any kind of insulation. It takes me longer to get cold but once I'm cold it takes for ever to get warm.
1 year

Why are you into feederism?

OK. This is going to be long but.... I feel like I'm 3/4 rounded in this world of fat. Like I'm fat. Getting fatter. I like fat women. But I also love the contrast of me with a petite woman.

So when I was younger I know I like the rapid weight gaing in cartoons and such. My parents always warned me about being fat...because I was always a fat kid. And I remember liking playing with my fat and being sculded for it.

Then.... threw out dating I wile "struggling with my weight" I found that alot of smaller chicks dig fat guys and they would LOVE playing with my flab and blah blah blah. So that started that.

Then! as a man, I realized that all of the parts of a woman I love the most...jiggle..... tits, ass thighs, and we ALL know the jiggliest woman is a fat woman. So that sparked that.

Then one day I just decided that I was tired of trying so hard to not be fat and still getting g made fun of because I was fat.
So I decided that I was just going to enjoy who I am. Enjoy the food I love. And not stop and think don't eat that. Or.... "you just ate! You don't need to eat that!" I was just going to be the true fatty I was always meant to be!

Then some years later I found this community! And discovered that there are other people who are like this. And that there are even wemon of every size that would even want to help.. me indulge in my true self because they like that too.

Basically I just love fat. I love fat on me. I like fat on other people. I like fat on my partners. And I only wanna get fatter. I also love food. If I could eat constantly I would! There is just so many different things you can eat! And they are all sooooooo goooodd!!

Then there are ALSO people who encourage others randomly and give advice on how to go down this path. It's just amazing yall. I love it here . 😅😁
1 year

Too big for a bath.

Lol I broke my bath. Well it cracked under my weight.


How much do you weigh, sir? Asking for a friend.

Ah almost 450lbs. 😁😅
1 year

Too big for a bath.

Lol I broke my bath. Well it cracked under my weight.
1 year
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