How important are a good plot and character development for you?

How important are a good plot and character development is actually two questions....

Plot is the foundation. Even in fat fiction where the goal might be to arouse, a solid plot is a huge benefit. We have all probably read some meandering fiction where a character is gaining weight, but it just doesn't seem to have a point. There's nothing wrong with this, but something with a definitive plot will be far more memorable. Especially if it resonates through the characterizations!

What is good character development? I have read a lot of weight gain fiction where the first few pages just outline the main character. How they look, their background, etc. and often none of this is referenced at any point in the rest of the story. Maybe the author needed to know this, to write for the character, but they didn't need to put it in the story for the reader. So I would suggest that the right amount of character development is that which serves the story.

Length has a lot to do with it, too. In a novel we will be spending a lot of time with at least one character, and we'll have the opportunity to see them in a variety of situations (how they behave alone, with peers, with friends, etc.), so there's more opportunity to develop characters. In a short story, we typically only need even character development to get us into the action of the piece (so skip that first page telling us about their childhood and school life, unless it's directly relevant to what is coming up).

Clever character development is the best - giving us insight into the character through the actions in the story. If the reader doesn't even notice it, but now they have a feeling they really know this character.... For me, that is the goal.
2 months

Body writing afficianados?

I have never tried it but I have fantasized about it. smiley
2 months

Why isn’t my story listed when i search for ‘newest’?

Sometimes it's not abuse of the system - I have gone back to my story to add chapters, but I have also gone back and corrected spelling, grammar, etc. So there are some valid reasons to revise it aside from just adding chapters.
11 months

Increasing stomach capacity

Ive watched people accidentally do stretch their stomach. They did it by slowly eating more. You eat your normal mean and then add snacks a bit later. You add more TO your normal meal. If you eat a pack of ramen, add another one and you can eat half that. Eventually you can eat 5....

If you are going to work stop and get a little parfait, etc

So slowly add in smaller snacks between meals. Eating more at a big meal hurts and makes you sick, its the grazing between those that helps stretch your stomach out safely and makes changes.

I agree with this approach, it certainly increased what I needed to eat to feel full over time, but also I think it has been a big part of maintaining my weight over the last year or two. I am not trying to gain anymore, and I thought I would naturally just lose some weight, but that hasn't happened.

I don't think liquids are good for this, but I am not a doctor, lol. Maybe the body can just deal with excess fluid more easily, relieving the stomach too quickly? YMMV!
1 year

What would you say to your past self if given the chance?

Be kind with yourself

Really great advice!
1 year

Best jobs for getting big

I put on a lot of weight during the pandemic. Working at home really killed the little bit of exercise I got from commuting, and I was around food all of the time and ate a lot of out of boredom. Plus we ordered in a lot of delivery food items from the local restaurants we wanted to support. My weight has kind of (but not totally) stabilized since I've been going back to the office. Part of it is the commute and not having food as handy and close/convenient. But also, as inflation has pushed up the price of food, when I go out to eat at work I think the portions have shrunk and the costs have gone up, so I think my calorie intake has gotten smaller. At least until someone brings in donuts. smiley
1 year

Emily became a fat artist

I love your work, it is really beautiful!
1 year

Too fat to masturbate / orgasm denial stories

Hello Texasgut

I'm reading your post on this subject. I'm a guy too that's fat and I masturbate myself every chance I get. I'll give you some advice from one guy to another guy : YOU ARE NEVER TOO BIG TO MASTURBATE !!!

I have met a few truly super-sized people (men and women >500 lbs) who could no longer masturbate in the traditional way, using their hands because they just couldn't reach. Having said that, there are devices you can use to help in that area. smiley
1 year

Most women who like fat guys only come to ff to masturbate

And we both know you aren't having fun. You're coping. You are trying to save face. We both know it's not working.

It always amazes me when guys (and it seems to be exclusively guys who do this) lose perspective and they don't see how absolutely obvious to *everyone* that this is what they are doing, as is the case on this thread.

Guys: Learn when to just walk away. Really. It is the simplest, most valuable lesson in growing up you can learn (still applicable for all ages, it seems) .
1 year

Losing control comic on da

I just love that there are awards for this stuff! Lol! Although a lot of the stuff included is not really my cup of tea, I think the effort is very cool.
1 year
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