Nashville/clarksville feeder looking for feedee

Just looking for a friend to meet with and feed/cuddle for a little bit. I can cover hotel and food bills, if needed. Been bored and looking to meet people and make friends.
3 years

Clarksville, tn

If you’re in the Clarksville/Nashville area, and are in the mood to be stuffed silly (or just want some casual munchies), lemme kno! I’m free this Friday and Saturday!
3 years

Nashville feedee?

Any feedees in the Nashville/Clarksville area of TN? I’d love to meet up and become friends, as well as treat someone to a buffet!
3 years

Fat feeder?

For the feedees out here, what’re your thoughts on having your feeder be fatter than you?
I’d imagine it could be fun, having them use their weight and body to either pin you down or keep you warm while you’re making a pig of yourself... but ionno, what do you think?
3 years

Philosophy of belly love

Some Married FA:
Why do you love bellies? What is it about bellies that makes them so great to you?

Honestly, it’s kind of hard to say one thing for sure; there’s quite a few reasons I like bellies. I like listening to stomach sounds, for one - gurgly bellies are always soothing and sensual in a way I can’t quite put. Fat is in general soft and smooth, plus it offers alot of chances to grab and toy with it. There’s also the freedom of beinng able to eat what you want until you feel full with no repercussions about looking like a pig or whatever.

It’s a multifaceted obsession, for me.
3 years

Clarksville/nashville tn area?

Hey, looking to see if anyone’s interested in meeting up in Clarksville. Just looking for cuddles and friends to feed.
3 years