Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

It's his first week on the Internet, go easy on him
11 months

Free account

Well of course content creators would need to block more often. As the valuable models that get all the attention, it doesn't take data analyzing to discern why they would need to use this feature more than, say, me.

The decision of whether one person does not want to deal with someone anymore is their own. It's extremely strange that number of blocks would be limited to a small number like 15 because it would be "no fun". If someone feels the need to block someone, they are not interested in a third parties' definition of what fun is, they are interested in making the harassment stop.

I know, it would be be pretty tragic and un-fun if someone exercised their right to choose who to interact with and blocked someone who didn't deserve it. I'm really glad staff is making sure such an awful thing can never transpire.
1 year

Hate the latest changes to the website

It would be nice to at least be able to hide it.

This. At first I wondered if the top bar was merely being MOVED to the left side, and it was just in a transition. Nope -they intend to keep the top bar there to populate it with more icons.

Full stop guys, this idea is absolutely terrible. The only way to salvage it is to make the top bar non-persistent. That is, when you scroll down it doesn't stay there. For example, another popular feedism site that begins with an F has a big bar on the left side AND at the top. But the top one is just part of the page content. You can scroll away from it.

Making TWO always-there bars that you can't get rid of no matter what you do just made everyone's screen for actual page content like 30% smaller, and the browser draws it accordingly.

I'm not trying to be mean but it's not just a little bad, it's actually actively weird that you guys think its an improvement to make everyone's screen so much smaller from a design standpoint. It made me wonder if you are only testing this on a 27" 4k monitor and don't care about normal user scenarios? Because you need to worry about how it looks on a normal 14-17" laptop.
You can't just arbitrarily take away screen real estate like that. Then again, I guess you can it's your website...
1 year

Hate the latest changes to the website

Thanks for the effort, but the full screen is now a bit too full screen. It takes up the entire Windows display including the task bar and browser controls. So if you want to say, switch tabs or do literally anything else in Windows, you must now switch in and out of full screen every time.

Overall, a net negative in usability that will probably see me using the site less often.
1 year

Hate the latest changes to the website

I can't agree more. The update was so bad, that at first I assumed they were just experimenting with the back end or made a mistake. That it might actually have been done on purpose is completely baffling.

The bar on the left side wouldn't be SO horrible, except they still have the one at the top. All the same information used to be handled by the top bar, so the only result is a massive loss of screen real estate for no gain.

Before, the only way to use chat without being a completely fumbling mess was full screen mode. But this update broke the full screen mode of the chat too. I'm not alone noticing this.

Seems to me they just change stuff cause they think it might be cool on a whim, don't test it, and don't even care about rolling it back if it doesn't work lol

Edit: Either that or they really only care about mobile and what happens to desktop along the way is ancillary lol...
1 year

Chat down?

It's the worst chat room they've ever had. Worse than the last one, which in turn was worse than the old java one. It's not the kind of thing typical end-users can be expected to use successfully. Do you need to read a guide to operate most chat rooms? lol...

Most likely the new chat software is all about being able to track users for number of PMs and such, to enforce limitations for free users. Ironically though, if the whole thing wasn't so poorly implemented I might be willing to pay.
4 years

Should i rekindle things with my ex

I actually had a GF for about 6 months who had EXACTLY the same type of behavior. I was going insane. We actually "broke up" and got back like a week later, but I had the same feeling of impending doom that I had "walked back into the trap".

Sure enough it was a terrible mistake, it didn't last much longer.

Naturally there are exceptions to every rule, as MissRH says. Nobody truly understands the nuances of the situation but you, so you have to make your own call. But this sounds an awful lot like a mistake I've made!!
5 years

New chat

Let's say the new chat had all these kinks worked out and there were no issues.

Can I ask what benefits the new chat would then have over the old one?
5 years

New chat

While the chat has numerous issues that range from annoying to silly, the fact that private PMs are being revealed publicly is reason enough to *immediately* reverse course and reinstate the old system, pending a solution.

If this were my site, I would sooner shut it down while figuring it out than allow that situation to continue.

After the circus yesterday, I decided to wait one day to see if the situation resolved itself. Well, it hasn't, PMs are still being leaked for all to see in the broken new chat room.

As a result, I have decided I will no longer visit FF on a regular basis. This is such a blatant lack of respect for your own users I don't even want to support it with ad revenue. The idea that this site has paid options is a joke. In fact, given the reasonable expectation of privacy in a PM, I dare say it's even unlawful. And then I see a person affiliated with the site laugh at the leaked private information. Insanity!

Those in charge should be bugging the hell out and racing to change this *yesterday*.

Because I have visited FF for many years, appreciate the site and met many nice people here, I don't want to write it off fully. I will check on it, but till things get better I'll be at that "other" site.

I hate to be that guy but someone had to lay out how insane this is.

For the record, I was not affected by this personally, I just witnessed it go down. I was already about to give up with the chat update anyway, but this issue supersedes them all and goes beyond facepalming.

Good luck guys...grab the backup tapes lol
5 years
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