So what games are you playing?


Sonic Mania



Breath of the Wild
6 years

Messaging down?

Same deal with me. In fact to send a message I have to use the send message feature and type in the recipient's username. Reply button also hangs. The pop-up compose window just never happens.
8 years

Well that's a pity.

The most baffling change is that you can no longer separate currently online people by gender. Because I like chatting up other people currently online, my experience at FF rapidly changed from hitting up new ladies to looking at lots of pictures of men.

I hate to be that guy and all critical, and maybe I should be more patient, but suffice to say it's difficult to maintain enthusiasm faced with that kind of shift in real-life experience, regardless of how much more modern the code is.
9 years

Well that's a pity.

I've been visiting this site for eons, and even spent some money here not long ago. This redesign is so bad, I think I might stop visiting. So much of what made FF cool was just forgotten. Listen to the feedback of your members and just go back. Don't want to be so vocal and critical about it but as a business owner myself I thought you might like to know why one guy won't be upgrading again.
9 years


I dated a girl for five months who I told early on I found full tummies cute, and it was no big deal. We had an open relationship and things were pretty stable as long as we were honest about what we were up to. I was fine with all of her "extracurricular" activities, but I honestly hardly had time to date anyone else.

Though she knew about the fetish, she didn't learn about this site until by accident, and it's probably the #1 thing that killed our relationship. I was just lurking on here but idk. Maybe I should have been more honest.
9 years
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