How fat would you like to be?

Right now, just looking to break 350. Then from there, 400. My ultimate goal is 500.
4 years

Heavy cream and lactose intolerance

If you take the lactaid pills, it says to take 3 after your first bite or drink. It works for me, but if it doesn't, Silk now puts out a dairy free heavy cream, which has the same amount of calories as the regular. A little more expensive though. But worth it.
4 years

Heavy cream latte?

I love getting from Starbucks a Venti Mocha Frap with heavy cream, extra drizzle, extra cookie crumble, and extra whip. Its extremely rich, but extremely delicious as well. I don't get it religiously, so I can't say for certain how fattening it is. But I did try it for 4 days straight and i felt like I got softer after. I always do mobile order so I can walk in and out without anyone noticing lol.
4 years

Comparison photos

I love comparison pics mainly because they show a journey, a definite growth, even when you feel like you've slowed or plateaued. For me, it provides motivation when I see how small I used to be and how big I am now, or much bigger I am since last time I took a pic. Sometimes the scale barely budges, but I can see that have gained alot more fat.
4 years

Bmi. what's yours?

41.2. Into obese class 3 smiley
4 years

Warnings gaining maybe addicting

For me, it is very addicting. Once I hit 300, I felt I wasn't fat enough, and need to add more. I feel like when I hit my goal of 325, that may not be big enough as well, and I might have to go up 350, and then eventually higher.
5 years