Hard to hide my interests

I had a staff person that noticed I like fat women. She would asked me why and point to other women and asked what I thought of that fatty.
4 months

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

At times I have admit it is frustrating to me. Especially when passing a mirror. My fit friends don’t understand what has happened to me and comment on how fat I am getting.

However, now I like the humiliation comments and it encourages me to eat more each day. Love my size.
4 months

What was your point of no return?

My point of no return was being around people who were fatter than me. I always felt out of place when we were out together. So now, I feel more comfortable being as fat as my friends.
4 months

Women who like to fatten younger boys

My mother would give us kids all kinds of food and sweets when we were growing up. My two sisters and 3 brothers all became fat. I had a hard time as child but it wasn’t til I was in my 40’s that I realized what I missed being fat.
4 months

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

When I started 5th grade, Roxie came in the classroom at least 25lbs heavier than she was in 4th grade. I began noticing my interest in weight gaining.

Later that year, I saw a romance comic book about a man who gain weight so he could date the secretary who fat. She wanted to date him but she was embarrassed to date a skinny guy. So she lost weight only to find out he got fat. It was such a turn on and peaked my wish to get fat.
4 months

Gaining fat and working out

I use to workout and stuffed myself until I felt I would burst. I enjoyed stuffing myself more than exercising. When I got too fat, it was difficult to workout. The fatter I got, the less I exercise.
4 months

Who was thin and got fat

I was once thin. Gained a few pounds during my college years but lost the weight. In my late 30’s, gained 25 lbs. and was fat shamed from family and friends but found it very exciting to hear all the comments. Later during COVID, I gained like crazy. No regrets and no looking back at being thin.
4 months

What made you decide to get fat?

Most of the family members are chubby or fat but I have to say I am the fattest. It seems like everyone has been putting on weight during the pandemic. As for my friends, they keep reminding me that I am the fattest.
3 years

Quitting smoking and weight gain

I was a smoker for a good 15 years and with a weight of 160. Quitting was really a hard thing to do but gained about 30 lbs. Since then I have been gaining steadily and now with the quarantine, another 20lbs. Gave up one addiction for another!
3 years

Society says getting fat is the worst thing ever...

I use to be that person who looked down at people who were fat. This included my friends who got fat.

Now, I am that fat person who I did not like and the experience of being a fatty is an eye opener. Though I am not sure how to accept the comments I get from the thin people, I have to admit I love the fat man I am.
4 years
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