What "awakened" this fetish for you?

I think I was always fascinated at the thought of growing a big belly. When I was a kid I remember swallowing watermelon seeds because I was jokingly told they’d grow inside me, and being both relieved and disappointed I never grew a watermelon belly 😅

The moment I actually realized it was the scene from Men in Black 2. Serleena walking back around that bush with that big, sloshing gut made me realize how much I wanted one too.

Oh my god, how did I forget about that scene? That’s was definitely a moment of realization. I’ll bet it was a key influence for a lot of people here.
4 days

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

Can't identify a specific 'awakening.' Saw the Totally Spies episode that has influenced so many people. As far as I can tell, I've just always been interested in heavier women. That said, when I first started realizing my preferences might be outside what is considered normal, I was more drawn to pregnancy. Over time, that kinda expanded (pun intended) to stuffing, which led to interest in gaining. Interestingly, I started out only liking a little bit of chubbiness, but eventually I started liking higher weights and sizes.
5 days

Getting involved in the community

What can I do as a skinny person to be a part of the community and meet people it kinda feels like I’m not worthy of joining in on fat talk because idk what it’s like lol I really want to gain but can’t really afford it at the moment but I want to get my foot in the door for when the time comes

New myself, also trying to settle into the community, though I'm coming at it from an FA/feeder perspective. That said, I've lurked around here and elsewhere on the internet and I've found most people tend to be pretty friendly and welcoming.
5 days