Bug: main forum “most recent” listings not updating correctly

I’m now wondering whether the “latest” item, displayed on the right of the main forum page across from each forum name, is showing the newest **new thread** from its original author rather than the newest *response* post to any thread. As a user i am looking for the latest posts, whether they’re replies to existing threads or new threads.

That's what it's looked like to me- the "recent post" shown on the main page just shows the newest thread, rather than the one most recently posted in.
9 years

A few issues that ive noticed so far

I miss being able to click on a username and going directly to the member's profile from a message. I always used to visit a person's profile page before opening a message, and now if I want to do that, I have to search for them specifically.

You can click on their avatar now to be brought to their profile.
9 years

Any good movies lately?

Only issue I had with John Wick was how the dog died. It's so unnecessarily heartbreaking.
9 years

New messages or comments status

It's also showing "new" comments on photos from years ago that I have since deleted, so I can't get rid of those notifications.
9 years

Any good movies lately?

Spectre is coming out soon, which I'm stoked for.

But way more than that I'm eager to see Mad Max: Fury Road. SO HYPE.
9 years

Ff2 switch over imminent

hiccupx wrote:
It'll be even more basic than that. I'll be in guest login mode, so it won't recognise FF usenames at all and you'll have the fun of trying to find out who everyone actually is.

I'll try to get the regular chat back up as soon as I can but it's not been possible to do this prior to the switch over.

Frustrating as that might be, it seems like that's a pretty minor issue in the face of an overhaul that's making the site generally much better.
9 years

Female masturbation tips

voluptuouslover wrote:
The way that she enjoys sex and her orgasms when she is heavier it's a complete shock to me why she would ever want to diet and lose weight and her big lustful orgasms.

Going out on a limb here, but it might have to do with the entire rest of life that isn't the act of sex. Believe it or not, that makes up almost all of one's existence.
9 years

Love her/him for who she is!

theorangemage wrote:


Realistically that's way easier said than done, though.
9 years

Belly hanging over knees

sarahjuana wrote:
i know it'll never happen

Not with that attitude it won't.
9 years

Ethics: stuffing & starvation

Do you ever feel guilty buying new furniture or luxuries for your house/car/whatever when there are people who are homeless?
9 years
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