Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

Two days in and I'm loving it! Hard part is getting past the feeling full for awhile after the cream.

I'm with you on that. I feel a different kind of full after drinking it. I had to chug the quart otherwise I wouldn't be able to finish it.
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

Could you take daily measurements of your waist and hips? I'm curious about the effect this'll have on your fat distribution. It's best to do the waist measurement when empty.[/quote]

Sure thing. I've been pretty bloated the past few days but I'll be sure to.
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

I tried a quart out today. Kind of a bit much, I'm super bloated a I feel a lot squishier in my thighs and waist lately. I'll probably go down to a pint for tomorrow.
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

Yeah. There's a segment in those studies I posted about to effects of various kinds of food on fat distribution. Carbohydrates and alcohol aren't that good for your fat distribution.[/quote]

I loaded up on beer and carbs during my initial gain. I'm going to primarily use heavy cream this time around and incorporate some cardio. Thankfully visceral fat burns easier.
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

Well subcutaneous fat deposits over visceral fat so you could still have a soft belly and a lot of visceral fat. Based on your description of your body and your pictures, I'd say you have a lot of subcutaneous and visceral fat. You are feeling subcutaneous fat but underneath that is visceral fat. I've noticed a good indicator of visceral fat is the belly protruding. The more it protrudes, the more visceral fat you have.[/quote]

Seems about right. I need to do some more cardio when I'm at the gym to burn some of it but intake more than I'm burning. Before I was gaining by just stuffing my face with loads of calories, carbs, and sugars. Im trying to go about it a healthier way but it looks like I need to go slow and steady with it.
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

I made a post with many studies on fat yesterday. You might be interested.
compendium of fat studies[/quote]

Wow what a compendium of information. Brings me back to my school research days. Fortunately most of my belly is not firm in the sense of a beer belly. It's pretty soft and pinchable. To my my understanding that's subcutaneous fat right?
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

BTW, the fat that makes your belly protrude/stick out is called visceral fat. The fat you're talking about being in your lower belly and face is called subcutaneous fat. Dairy is good for gaining subcutaneous fat.[/quote]

Noted, focusing on getting that subcutaneous fat. I'm all about it. I read that visceral fat is bad for health.
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

I’m tempted to but I’ll ease into it. If the delayed effects are a thing for me I want it to be a slower pace. I don’t want to be taken by surprise by having to buy a new wardrobe.

Yeah I would eat 3000 calories and then right before bed have a pint of heavy cream. I'm slowly gaining like 2lbs a week since stopping so it broke my metabolisim. But my t shirts are tight and show off my curves, thighs got HUGE, slight white marks (idk if there stretch marks) on my hips where my hip bones used to be. I lost the V I had. And my underbelly and lower belly poke out, I feel like I have a tire growing around my hips/belly[/quote]

My lower belly has some heft to it now too! I'm actually pretty excited about it because for the longest time it was peeking out but not hanging. I'm hoping as I grow out gravity will do it's thing. I actually feel full around my face too.
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

I’d ease myself, but go for a quart!!

I’m tempted to but I’ll ease into it. If the delayed effects are a thing for me I want it to be a slower pace. I don’t want to be taken by surprise by having to buy a new wardrobe.
5 years

Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_o

Be sure you get your 3000 calories a day ... THEN add the pint a day of cream to it!

I'm making sure to! I'm enjoying this a little too much. Also I don't want to jump ahead of myself but I'm tempted to start going for a quart... Should I ease myself into a pint regaurly before I up my intake?
5 years
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