Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


3 years
I had always wanted to have a nice fat stomach. One day I fell down a flight a stairs and broke my right leg. I went to the hospital where I was x rayed I had a broken tib and fib. My leg was se...
+30lbs, currently: 210lbs, goal: 225lbs
4 entries
For years I've been trying to crack the plateau of sitting in the 280 - 290 range. As a gainer it can be sooo frustrating to hit this limit and feel like no matter what you do you can't p...
+12lbs, currently: 290lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
3 years
Stuffed myself up to 308lbs last night and woke up at 304lbs empty belly. I have surpassed my goal and now deciding if I want to get bigger or not. Right now, I don’t think I could stop myself fr...
+17lbs, currently: 304lbs, goal: 300lbs
6 entries
I'm still gaining! But have been too busy to make content.. Hopefully I can get a few new things in before Xmas! Since the holiday loved by all gainers is around the corner!!!
+30lbs, currently: 165lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
3 years
I know I’ve been kinda inactive here, and I apologize. In positive news, since my last gaining update, I noticed that I was feeling heavier (and softer) so I weighed myself with a result of 350!!...
+10lbs, currently: 350lbs, goal: 799lbs
3 entries
Gonna start here I guess! Not really actively gaining at the moment, but I will be monitoring me changes, and fluxes in weight. I'll be updating my progress every now and then.
+0lbs, currently: 227lbs, goal: 500lbs
1 entry
3 years
I have gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks, putting me at 190. According to my bmi I am officially overweight. Wont stop me though i still want to get to 200 at least
+13lbs, currently: 190lbs, goal: 0lbs
3 entries
3 years
at last 280 pounds, it feels really good to walk and feel everything rocking, the thighs rubbing together, the stomach sitting on top of the shorts, it's wonderful
+30lbs, currently: 280lbs, goal: 0lbs
2 entries
3 years
Just over a month and a half of regaining and I’m up 16lbs. Slowly creeping into XL clothing and the overhang is making an appearance. Since getting past 209lbs it’s been a struggle to keep...
+16lbs, currently: 211lbs, goal: 320lbs
1 entry
3 years
Need tips foods to buy for best weight gain results
+0lbs, currently: 160lbs, goal: 192lbs
1 entry