Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.
Gained some weight.
+6lbs, currently: 251lbs, goal: 264lbs
1 entry
Well, my belly is getting bigger
+4lbs, currently: 145lbs, goal: 0lbs
4 entries
I am starting to feel filled out when I am wearing my clothes. I have started to look into a measuring tape. Loving the gain so far! It’s so fun eating whatever you want, whenever you want! Start...
+5lbs, currently: 134lbs, goal: 150lbs
6 entries
I have been weight my self and have decided i was reading the scale wrong. And my scale might not be right.
+3lbs, currently: 239lbs, goal: 275lbs
3 entries
I don’t even need to count calories the way I stuff my face. I love how I feel being able to eat all day long whatever I want to. This is so much fun I can’t wait to see how fast I can get to m...
+30lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 180lbs
1 entry
New fett
+30lbs, currently: 235lbs, goal: 235lbs
2 entries
Been eating a ton lately and it is really starting to catch up with me!
+10lbs, currently: 272lbs, goal: 500lbs
8 entries
A few months ago, I was 250 pounds. Over the past few weeks, my weight kept slowly going up until it got to 270. I need to keep track to see if it goes any higher.
+20lbs, currently: 270lbs, goal: 300lbs
1 entry
Well I finally have an office job instead of a fast paced physical job and Im enjoying every minute of it. I have started to loose some muscle mass and it has been replace with a growing gut that I...
+3lbs, currently: 189lbs, goal: 180lbs
10 entries
I've been insanely stressed out recently moving to a new state and trying to find work and looked up and realized I weight less than I did in high school :( But I bought some boost and heavy c...
+0lbs, currently: 105lbs, goal: 145lbs
2 entries