Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.
-20lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 400lbs
6 entries
...of my own feedee tendencies. Thus de-lurking. I have always been fit and athletic, eating healthy foods, vegan for years.
But I've been stuffing for a few years now, decades after I was...
+30lbs, currently: 178lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
been lazing around the house the whole week and it's definitely had an effect :3
+2lbs, currently: 138lbs, goal: 200lbs
2 entries
I am genetically fat. My metabolic rate is slower than molasses running up hill in the winter; I just have to look at food and I gain weight. Until I found Feederism; I had been treated like a crim...
+0lbs, currently: 370lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
im gaining so fast its crazy, my partner has become very dom-nelly brain recently and they aren't letting me go a moment without food or gainer shake
finally hitting 275 feels amazing
+10lbs, currently: 275lbs, goal: 275lbs
4 entries
Documenting on fet life starts now ! :3 tho let it be known i gained 40 lbs in under 8 months last year
+0lbs, currently: 255lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
First time posting in a long time, got a lot fatter over time.
+23lbs, currently: 185lbs, goal: 250lbs
2 entries
And so my journey begins, as of now I am eating whatever I want, whenever I want and as much as I want. I have been overeating for the past couple of years so I already have a nice belly. I am noti...
+0lbs, currently: 193lbs, goal: 225lbs
1 entry
I'm taking small steps towards my dream, it's 440 pounds (200 kilograms). I will be grateful to everyone if you speed up my journey ❤
+30lbs, currently: 185lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
I said I was not sure if id gain more but... here I am near 200 now hahah. a little more to push me over 200 might not hurt :D
+9lbs, currently: 195lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry