Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.
Can't keep up with keeping the weight on :(
-30lbs, currently: 185lbs, goal: 215lbs
8 entries
8lbs up. 266lbs. Only 9 more lbs to my goal! Then when I get to 275lbs, I will probably, maybe, definitely set a new goal of 300lbs...
+8lbs, currently: 266lbs, goal: 275lbs
2 entries
I was always underweight and had no fat on my stomach. Now I've finally managed to gain a little weight. This is very special for me because it is the first time that I am at a normal weight. ...
+8lbs, currently: 128lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
Not sure what happened, had a med change and a recent trip to grippy sock jail😅 no notes, not sure how to feel about it. Been trying to just increase my activity/flexibility while keeping the di...
-15lbs, currently: 312lbs, goal: 350lbs
8 entries
Gone from 235 to 260 in 2024!! This is my personal highest reading!
+25lbs, currently: 260lbs, goal: 300lbs
5 entries
I dont want to gain 30 pounds. I want to get huge. I am tired of being average. I want to see me well past 300.
+30lbs, currently: 127lbs, goal: 325lbs
1 entry
204…. 46 to go
+2lbs, currently: 204lbs, goal: 250lbs
10 entries
I still want to go gain more probably 300lbs
+10lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 300lbs
1 entry
I did a lot more stuffing last week than I have been recently. In addition to my normal eating, also drank a cake shake on Monday, a dozen donuts on Tuesday, half dozen hot dogs on Wednesday, and t...
+5lbs, currently: 343lbs, goal: 400lbs
2 entries
gotta say so much better feeling the weight back on bit of gain rush im gonna lay back a bit when i get to 260 again
belly good so much soft tummy
+5lbs, currently: 135lbs, goal: 400lbs
2 entries