Casual Gainer

London, England, United Kingdom  
Casual Gainer 2 months
Is anyone else’s sense of what is a lot of calories skewed?
I've been in a similar position, with a 3-4K goal.

When I started I would do on/off periods of excessive eating by making sure I had 3-4 meals a day of around 500-1000kcal with snacks in bet...
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Casual Gainer 2 months
Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?
Reminds me of a post I saw where someone mocked a fat person for trying to lose weight at a gym.

Although I think this was a YouTube Reddit r/facepalm compilation video, so at least they wer...
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Casual Gainer 2 months
Is this fetish permanent?
I developed this fetish a couple of decades ago during my teen years and it never left me.

As of now I feel like I have to try and get fat enough that I have a permanent slab of fat across my wa...
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Casual Gainer 2 months
Gaining tips
You'll often find discussions on here of people stuffing themselves, personally though I find this uncomfortable.

Instead when I'm pushing myself to gain I use the 'little and often' approach, b...
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Casual Gainer 2 months
How to keep motivated
In my case, when I started to do active/pushed gains, I would do it in cycles alongside heavy cream, stopping when fatigue kicked in.

I also prefer 'little and often', I still have to push mysel...
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Casual Gainer 2 months
Weight gain begins to stagnate
I would start by looking at your current kcal intake and how much physical work you do.

The average recommended intake is 2000-2500kcal, but obviously the more physically active you are the more...
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Casual Gainer 2 months
Anyone know what youtubes rules are for feedism content?
Asking about YouTube enforcement is like asking for the lotto numbers.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are just some triggers for bots and if individuals report the video/channel, with only mas...
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Casual Gainer 3 months
Easily get unhealthy food
Late shift at supermarkets may get you free food via food waste.

Pro tip, when not using a deal, check with the store directly as they may offer slightly cheaper prices.

Also, check for ...
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Casual Gainer 3 months
Fattening jobs
I know of a couple of supermarkets where off the record they'll give food waste to staff if you're on the late shift.

I live with someone who gets this, I literally have to eat two free donuts t...
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Casual Gainer 3 months
Help gaining or increasing appetite
Consider eating 'little and often', calorie counting and finding 'empty calories'.

I personally don't like stuffing myself but I've found the above handy in increasing my intake.

So for examp...
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Casual Gainer 3 months
Warning: ultra processed food = giant pot belly
Maybe when he said "build back butter" he was actually referring to us increasing our consumption of butter? Maybe he wanted us to import 'deep fry butter on a stick'?
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Casual Gainer 3 months
Stuffing challenges to gain?
Might be worth mentioning a budget.

One thing to consider is checking out some local independet/smaller take out places as they may offer better value over e.g. McDonald's.

Also check out any...
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Casual Gainer 4 months
What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?
Imagine if someone tried to help someone only to accidentally make them fatter.

For example, giving them a 'healthy' salad but they made it in such a way that it's worse than a cheeseburger....
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Need to get better at eating and getting hungry.
One option to consider is 'little and often', that is to say eating less per meal but eating more frequently.

So instead of force eating 2-3k kcal in one instant, maybe splitting that across a f...
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Gaining on a cruise or at an all inclusive resort
Biggest issue I have with something like this is cost, especially since I'd want to likely be alone to truly enjoy eating as much as I want without any kind of judgement/commentary.

I can imagin...
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Increasing softness
There are two common, but not universal, methods I've read about on this site:
1) Losing weight and regaining
2) Heavy/Double Cream based gains.

Personally, I found my belly has been softer a...
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Heavy cream questions
The delay could just be the remaining fat which was still be 'processed' and distributed through out the body, at least going by some hypothesis I've read.

Alternatively, I wonder if it's ca...
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Heavy cream questions
Based on my experiences, I'd go with three main issues:
1) It becomes tiring. I'm basically forcing myself to consume more than I usually do then it starts to feel like a chore after 3-4 weeks and...
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Gaining by accident and don't know how to stop it now
I hate to say this, but realistically something has to give if you want to avoid gaining weight.

It may be that you stop buying snacks, or at least unhealthy snacks, maybe trying to find a healt...
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Just my thoughts on gaining as someone who's always been fat
I've been overweight/low end obese my entire life, I wonder if I'd even have this fetish if I was thin as a child/teen/young adult.

There are positive and negative aspects to this, for example, ...
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