
Martinez, California, United States  
Igetthejoke 5 months
Why are so many discussions getting locked?
Pretty ironic for you of all people to say. You support munchies, easily the most toxic person I've ever seen on this website.
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
Now your post count is making a lot of sense I'm sorry this is your life.

I'm glad you dropped the pretense of this being about harm or caring about vulnerable people.
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
Disingenuous stretch or bad judgement, either way that's a pathetic attempt at demonizing me. Something you seemed concerned about until I was the subject.

As was I. Anybody coming in h...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
Disingenuous stretch or bad judgement, either way that's a pathetic attempt at demonizing me. Something you seemed concerned about until I was the subject.

As was I. Anybody coming in h...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
You didn't. You tried to shame me, and I feel no shame for crapping on an opinion that minimizes SA.

You keep mentioning the fact that she is a woman like it had any bearing on my reaction....
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun

Nothing I said supports that conclusion, absolutely nothing. I've addressed everything in great detail. I absolutely doubled down on being against minimizing SA in any direction, that's correc...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun


Likewise, except it actually applies to my situation.

How is hyperbole lazy? And I did address it, immediately and thoroughly. I even said "I am happy to cla...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
Friendly reminder to anybody reading this cesspit of a conversation between me and munchies:

This started because somebody was minimizing and saying SA doesn't happen to men. Any feminist with a...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
I fail to see how that has anything to do with your virtue signaling towards me. I never mentioned OP in regards to this.

What you're doing is called projection, and I've given no ind...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
Oh and just to remind anyone reading this, that original thing I took issue with was lovemylard pretending SA and abuse only goes one way.

I said "never talk again" as a hyperbolic way to voice ...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
Seems like a false dichotomy but I guess in this atmosphere I can see how you might be drawn to those two explanations.

Really terrible take. If that's what you're getting from what I'm...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun


What? No. Hyperbolic, sure. Not literal, sure. But my distaste for the evil stuff said stands. Do I actually literally think they should never talk again? No, that's hyperbole. ...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
Would you be interested in feeding an incarcerated feedee by donating to their commissary accoun
That's a dumb lie. Obviously it's what you want to be true about me, but the problem is that it isn't.

Wild how you literally have to lie about my opinions and motivations, something you kn...
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Igetthejoke 6 months
I'm convinced fat fetishists don't actually exist!! 6 month update...

Unfortunately good people are hard to find, laao fetish or not.

I wish society wasn't like this, didn't make you feel so desperate that you felt like you had to embrace something that was...
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Igetthejoke 7 months
Just deleted my feabie account.
Oh okay I appreciate you clarifying that! Apologies for misunderstanding.
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Igetthejoke 7 months
Just deleted my feabie account.
Woke is incorrectly used by right wing people, that doesn't mean that the word itself needs to be avoided. You just need to understand when a conservative says woke they aren't using the correc...
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Igetthejoke 7 months
Is anyone else tired of this?

That's a valid point. One that has absolutely nothing to do with what OP implied.

Because he's talking about specific behaviors not present in all women as a group.

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Igetthejoke 7 months
Is anyone else tired of this?
I like the part where you had no defense of loredraytons shitty behavior and just did a lazy ass meme
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