
Redmond, Washington, United States  
Sketch 1 week
Sketch 8 months
Spent way too much on these pants not to post the fit 😤
Sketch 11 months
Sketch 2 years
new topic in Feedback and suggestions forum
bug: sorting profiles by "last online" doesn't work
I'm not sure I've ever seen it work in all the years on the site in case that's relevant for looking for regressions. Sometimes you'll get some amount of sorting (might only be on the first page?),...
Sketch 3 years
new topic in feedback and suggestions forum
some videos are broken
They'll report "Stream Unavailable: Check Cross-Origin Policy" when attempting to play them. The page itself seems to be served using HTTPS, is it possible the video content or player is from an HT...
Sketch 3 years
reply to forum post
profile search is broken
On a similar note, the ordering of profiles options have also been broken for as long as I can remember.

e.g. if I click order by last online I'll get a profile that was online a year ago, then...
Sketch 4 years
reply to forum post
looking for a feeder
Heya, I'm in the area and would love to go grab a bite sometime if you're interested!
Sketch 4 years
Haven't uploaded photos here in forever so here's something more recent.
Sketch 4 years
Sketch 9 years
I made burritos! WOOO
Sketch 9 years
There's a lot of improvements that come with this upgrade. I wouldn't be so fast to knock it. A lot of the smaller usability things will be fixed in time I'm sure.
Sketch 9 years
Gotta love their fries though. Crispy, salty, everything I want in a fry haha.
Sketch 9 years
There's no real set definitions for these things.
Sketch 9 years
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Sketch 9 years
Bevvy, what's the matter?
Sketch 9 years
Oh, that's never fun, I'm on the chat client if you'd like to PM about it.
Sketch 9 years
Bevvy, what's the matter?
Sketch 9 years
Sketch 9 years
I think he meant SoCal as in Southern California.
Sketch 9 years
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