
London, England, United Kingdom  
Annamk 3 years
Weird triggers - there is an ad on the radio at the moment for the congestion charge zone, (it's a traffic/pollution tax basically) and the area it covers is changing. Every time I hear the word 'expanding' I just get the urge to clamp my hands to my middle and sucky my tummy in. The connotation is a little close to home lately smiley
Larpus98 3 years
My weirdness gets triggered by words very easily as well smiley

Words like “bloating” on ads for indigestion medication lol, I envision myself in a rather uncomfortable situation lmao
Annamk 3 years
It's my manager's birthday today and there are doughnuts. Should I...?
Sfemde 3 years
Oh, yes for sure! Why not? Don't feel bad about eating the last one either. I love company birthdays =).
Annamk 3 years
Been on chat quite a bit the last few days and it's been so lovely. And today... so validating and exciting and fun to share a picture of myself and get the response I did. I know that is a bit vague and sub-tweety but I get so much from this site, so this is just a message of appreciation! I don't even know how much I enjoy or need to hear certain things until they're said to me, and then... wow... ;p
Annamk 3 years
Ccwolf60 3 years
Annamk 3 years
Today I ate:
Eggs and bacon (breakfast)
Sausage and chips and an ice cream (lunch)
Burger and chips (dinner)
I feel fat.
Annamk 3 years
Oh and 100% my Mum saw me take off my belt and put it in my bag at dinner 🙃
Annamk 3 years
Annamk 3 years
Annamk 3 years
Bellylover95 3 years
little mis whit here little tummy soon to be thicc and Yummy
Annamk 3 years
After talking about it at work yesterday, just been to McDonald's drive thru with a couple of the girls. Bought home 2 cheeseburgers, 6 nuggets, fries and a milkshake just for me. When did I become a shameless greedy guts?
Mischnickde 3 years
I guess quite some time ago already judging by your fat tummy :-).
Annamk 4 years
Annamk 4 years
lol, I'm so behind the times. I just heard that Ubereats have waived delivery fees. I'm going to end this crisis fat and poor.
Annamk 4 years
Annamk 4 years
Annamk 4 years
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