
Leeds, England, United Kingdom  
PhoenixChimera 4 years
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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i can't tell if i'm horny or hungry anymore
That makes sense, and thank you for the warning.
Pleasure from food is certainly new to me, it makes sense I get carried away, but I do need to stay in my depth a little.
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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i love bellies...except for my own. how do i change that?
Firstly, I wish you the very best as you recover.
I used to have some very bad habits which I’m glad to say are no more.
The mind is so powerful, but when that power is working against you it ...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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i can't tell if i'm horny or hungry anymore
Thankful it’s not just me, I’ve been the same-I didn’t understand how I could be so hungry at first, I’m eating more than ever before.
But when it clicked, I thought it might be too m...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
A collection of squishy bits for y’all!
PhoenixChimera 4 years
A better fit
PhoenixChimera 4 years
new gainer entry created
first week
And what a week it’s been!
Filled with smiles and happiness, confidence and freedom.
The scale may say I’ve not succeeded but the wrappers would say otherwise, but they say fat weighs less t...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
new gainer entry created
first week
And what a week it’s been!
Filled with smiles and happiness, confidence and freedom.
The scale may say I’ve not succeeded but the wrappers would say otherwise, but they say fat weighs less t...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
Black is (not) slimming. 😊
Queerdoof 4 years
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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gainers and clothing
Love this! That sacrifice of control, the ultimate expression of trust in my book, is a rush just to think about, and also gives you an idea of what she likes about you (for example, she may li...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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TheOwl100 on YouTube used to do this, there were hundreds of girls gaining over time! I do know if it’s still active.
This is actually something I am hoping to do in the future when I have m...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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is gaining 20lbs in two months a pretty reasonable goal?
Great information here, thank you!
This is going to help me on my way, especially as I’ve still got quite a limited capacity (that’s going to change!)
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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playing with your significant other’s belly while they sleep?
Guilty as charged, with a former partner she used to love being held and her belly was just irresistibly soft and smooth, and first thing it the morning some attention would start her off with a sm...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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i really want someone to rub my belly.
Bellies were made for rubbing as well as storage, but they get better at both as they get bigger.
PhoenixChimera 4 years
More Motion in the Ocean
I’m not so round today, but jigglier?
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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would any ladies be down to wear a fat suit?
Any suggestions? I’ve always made do with pillows or other clothes.
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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weight gain regiments
I can see that throwing the metabolism, but a week?!?!
I wake up bloated quite a bit, and have no appetite, and will set myself an hour before I’ll ‘allow’ myself to eat, and in that tim...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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mutual gaining, feeding each other
Everything tastes better with a good conversation.
Ever have a meal with someone and get lost in a subject and forget how much you’ve eaten until you have to unbutton something?
Or being first...
PhoenixChimera 4 years
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any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?
I know that feeling all too well, but if neither side takes a first step the conversation never starts and that seems a shame.