Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 12 years
Hm, a fitness ad on the homepage. Awkwaaard.
Awesome X 12 years
Or people giving your number out.
Awesome X 13 years
Everybody knows there's just soooo many ways to say someone's hot and fat. Lol.
Awesome X 13 years
There's such a thing as rain these days?! *Lives in southeast texas and it hasn't really rained since Feb.*
Awesome X 13 years
That was... a very... uh... straight-forward message.
Awesome X 13 years
Does that mean Lo5 for Texas? *Gives himself a Lo5?*
Awesome X 13 years
Big, Dankii hasn't even said a word to you in about 10 minutes and you're still moaning about it? Give it up already, sheesh...
Awesome X 13 years
Wow, what the heck did I come online to?
Awesome X 13 years
I would try it, but I don't think my monitor would like having a bowl of soup thrown at it to get it to you.
Awesome X 13 years
Take over what?
Awesome X 13 years
It's been taken care of, miss lc. Thanks.
Awesome X 13 years
Spelling can be so Hazy sometimes.
Awesome X 13 years
Shhhh! >.>;
Awesome X 13 years
How ironic that you mispelled irony... I think?
Awesome X 13 years
Ah, ok. Thank you.
Awesome X 13 years
Hey, how do we go about reporting someone using fake pics?
Awesome X 13 years
I'm pretty much doing the same. Got off work early so I'm just burning time.
Awesome X 13 years
Hey VV. What's up?
Awesome X 13 years
Dankii has a point, when you got it, you got it. My opinion, you two got it, no doubt.
Awesome X 13 years
All sites have people like that, no matter how nice you are. It's a sad truth.
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