
Suva, Central, Fiji  
Flake113 7 years
Only 3 more pieces my sweet... see, i knew you could finish a whole pizza by yourself... let's not leave leftovers... then I can get you some dessert...
Flake113 7 years
Excellent! We've finally figured how to keep you properly stuffed all day while I'm away on business... you're guaranteed to be much, MUCH bigger by the time I return!
Flake113 7 years
Tired of fighting temptation? Junk food cravings wearing you down? Give in! Be the fatty you were meant to be! You will wonder why you fought it so long...
Flake113 7 years
And wasn't it worth it? Who cares if all your old wardrobe went in in the thrift bin, replaced by escallating sizes from the plus size section?
Flake113 7 years
Yes, all three are for you, my lovely... show me what you can do, I know you feel full but trust me, you can do this...
Flake113 7 years
You want the junk food sweetie... just give in to the temptation... looking skinny can'y hold a candle to how fabulous being full, fat and jiggly feels...
Flake113 7 years
... and with my help you are going to beome a world-class sinner beyond any hope of redemption or reform...
Flake113 7 years
You shouldn't be stuffing yourself in front of the fridge this time of night... let's sit you down at the table and do it right... I'll have you in a food coma before you know it... then you can rub your swolen belly contentedly and drift off to dreamlan
Flake113 7 years
Really, a whole dozen? My you are building up your capacity... excellent!
Flake113 7 years
There, there... one more piece... aren't you looking magnificent?
Flake113 7 years
You'll cooperate, yes?
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