
Dallas, Texas, United States  
ILuvChubbyChix 3 months
So close! February 23, '24. Any day now!
ILuvChubbyChix 3 months
February 19th, '24 - Front profile. Around 197 lbs here.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 months
February 19th, '24 - Side profile, not sucking it in. Around 197 lbs here.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 months
February 19th, '24 - Side-profile, trying to suck it in. Around 197 lbs here.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 months
February 19th, '24 - Sitting down, not sucking it in. Around 197 lbs here.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 months
February 19th, '24 - Sitting down and sucking it in. Around 197 lbs here.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 months
Movies and tv shows about fat people?
I remembered a TV show from around 15 years ago related to this, but it did show for 6 seasons, so I guess it wasn't too bad.

It's called Drop Dead Diva, more info here:
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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
So close to 200! wonder how i should celebrate?
I was thinking one of those small cakes one can buy from the supermarket bakery. Maybe even make a video of eating it.

I wonder if there might not be a better idea out there, though.

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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
Why are so many discussions getting locked?
I wouldn't mind hearing more about this, myself. Particularly about the bits where supposedly, "the posts that COULD justify some moderator comment remain unacted upon."

I can assure everyone t...
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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
Best place to go for (cheap) clothes for button popping?
There's a myriad of cheap options out there, since for this purpose you aren't going to care if it's tacky and/or poorly made. A lot of these are likely things you shouldn't wear day to day.
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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
Girl scout cookies
Oh my God I love the Thin Mints. Alas I don't really have access right now; no such coworkers.

Fun fact... the vast majority of the sales do NOT come from the actual girl scouts asking folks t...
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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
This site has been around a long time.
Until cliques form and then those users will vote "fake" en-masse on a particular target that's on the shitlist of the clique as a form of "griefing."

That's why such a voting system can't b...
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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
This site has been around a long time.
The 20th anniversary of FF was just the other day, recently. User IDs are 6 digits now, over 500,000 in fact.

However, as user accounts get deleted the numbers aren't recycled, so that doesn't ...
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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
I found the most delicious gainer shake, but now i’m afraid to order it.
This is off topic but...

If I knew a cute feeder was working at one just behind the counter, I might occasionally order something like that on purpose. But instead, maybe the hot chocolate.

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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
9 month cruise gain
This does seem like an amazing fantasy, but a fantasy nonetheless. Amazing that it's even potentially a thing.

I never would have thought any cruise company could offer it. There's a reason mo...
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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
Just deleted my feabie account.
Wow, this thread got derailed. At least, there's no ad-hominem from what I could see, but I'll be watching it carefully.
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ILuvChubbyChix 4 months
Story behind your username?
Mine is self-explanatory. No fancy, special story behind it.

Although, I can just as easily say "Fat" in place of "Chubby."
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ILuvChubbyChix 5 months
What do you collect?
Shot glasses. How many do I actually need? Maybe 2-3 of them. How many do I have? Probably about a couple dozen or more.

They're cheap-ish (a few dollars), too. If I go to a place where I h...
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ILuvChubbyChix 5 months
New year's resolutions
So, it's that time again. I know a lot of folks don't bother with these. I think they can be fun, but you shouldn't beat yourself up over it if you miss some.

I think it's a great time to thin...
New topic in General forum
ILuvChubbyChix 5 months
Hypnose/ hypnotize
Just gonna say... so-called hypnosis videos or audio don't work, unless you really do want it.

So if it's about a topic you're meh about, not effective. But if it's something you really do want...
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