MrAwesome 86

Crescent City, California, United States  
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Looking really good taytay
MrAwesome 86 10 years
I'm sure it looks really good on you ebowho
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Sent you a pm fatgirl94
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Aww sorry your sick pretty and plump. Hope you get better soon
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Hi all. Happy birthday to me
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Happy birthday to me lol
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Ugghh I hate being sick
MrAwesome 86 10 years
What's wrong massive?
MrAwesome 86 10 years
This big man is feeling pretty lonely
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Bought a lot of candy and no trick or treaters guess ill just have to eat it all
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Oh man just finished my 3rd shake of the day. Vanilla ice cream, eggnog and heavy whipping cream make for a very tasty and fattening treat
MrAwesome 86 10 years
I'll be in that line too
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Just made the best milkshake ever. Vanilla ice cream, heavy whipping cream and egg nog. A tasty fattening treat lol
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Yes really, it is a shame that people do that, I've seen so many things like that happen, I've seen it with birds and sealions too its sad really
MrAwesome 86 10 years
I've seen fish carcasses just laying around after being used for no other reason except there roe which is used for bait
MrAwesome 86 10 years
It's hunters like that, that give other hunters a bad name. Personally I believe it shouldn't just be for sport you should only kill game animals you intend to eat
MrAwesome 86 10 years
How's your night going sweetiepi
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Hi sweetiepi its such a shame that no one is there for you
MrAwesome 86 10 years
I've got wedding cake ice cream I'm willing to share with you Toni and ditzy
MrAwesome 86 10 years
Good job ditzy, how's the amp?