
Dallas, Texas, United States  
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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maltodextrin for fat gaining
I don't think anyone is suggesting relying it entirely, but as a supplemental ingredient. It's a common ingredient in the various weight gain/workout/gym-rat powders out there, but raw maltode...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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maltodextrin for fat gaining
What do you mean by "if you overdo it?" Blending it too much, or not enough?

I find this recipe interesting, since this involves combining maltodextrin with other ingredients that are very ...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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maltodextrin for fat gaining
Whatever you do, be very careful about mixing it with anything that's high in fat, or just don't.

I tried it once, and mixed it with half & half. Not even double/heavy cream. The mix was SO th...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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over the hump
Sometimes, yes. I don't think I'm entirely over the hump yet, but I'm less conflicted now than I was before.

Thoughts of "What am I doing to myself?" are being replaced with "This plateau is fr...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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sugar for sugar?
You're pretty new so I won't remove this thread, but.. #8 in particular. Just a light reminder. Without these rules, probably every other post would be a...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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is there a term for wanting to be fattened by feeders who are 400-600 pounds?
No, I don't believe there is such a term. Although, the terms that do exist aren't mutually exclusive, and multiple terms can of course apply to one individual.

The only specific term I can thi...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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female gainers willing to relocate?
To be fair, long distance relocation is very expensive and in the case of many, it could also mean leaving a lot behind. It's a great deal to ask of someone, particularly if that someone knows ver...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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central texas event
I might be interested, depending. DFW here. Though I admit I don't like the idea of going to Austin at all.

For all the cute BBW I see here, and that DFW has around 1/4 of the state's populati...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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female new englander looking for help to fatten up.
Hey. The fact you do seem to live in the middle of nowhere, very likely isn't helping matters. There's less of the economy of shipping by volume.

It's true that overall cost has gone up somewh...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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perks of gaining/starting gaining?
Hm probably several reasons.

1) I really was too thin before at one point, even by non-feederism standards.

2) It's easier to catch the attention of BBW (or other gainers), which is convenien...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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feeder farm
Realistically? No, not really. Fantasy is one thing, but such a place would never last from insufficient sales.

Cruise ships? Not really. Except for the "Pride of America," the name of a cru...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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gainers do you like weight goals or is gaining a side effect to your feeding?
Hm... kind of both?

It started off as weight and body goals for me. I suppose besides arbitrary numbers, I just love the idea of eventually becoming heavier and larger than the average America...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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fat point of no return
I kind of wonder how a scale could ever possibly determine that.

Some online calculators estimate that I'm at around 27%, which of course could be wildly wrong, but I haven't quite gotten to the...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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in usa, venmo money is taxable
Though I hadn't heard about this before, it's not surprising. I found an article about this, dated from October.
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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how much weight have you gained in 2021?
About 20 lbs, I think.

Doesn't sound like much, but I ended up spending much of the year at a plateau or even losing some at times. All because I often forgot to have lunch and had one major me...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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what is your starting weight in 2022? (check back 12/31/22 to see how much you’ve gained)
168 lbs, as of this morning. I had hoped I might be at an even 170. Though given I spent a lot of last year at a plateau, most caused by forgetting lunch and eating once a day, I'm just glad I pa...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
new topic in General forum
swallow a stick of butter - difficult?
Awhile back, I came across this which is well.. intriguing to me for several reasons.

It got me wondering how hard it might be to do this, or to ge...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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that starting leap
A few points on the job suggestion.

A good ideal would be an office job that's not too active and provides free pastries, but that's hardly a guarantee. An office job is a good idea anyway, sin...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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what is your goal weight?
As if this writing, 169 lbs as of this morning.

I don't have a fixed maximum number. Certain daily tasks would have to become really difficult, that'd be my hard limit, but that gives a lot of ...
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
new topic in General forum
new year's resolutions?
Almost posted this in Gaining or Stuffing, but some might have resolutions that aren't related to gaining, appetite, or eating challenges that at all.

For years I didn't believe in resolutions, ...