
Waldorf, Maryland, United States  
WideJuan76 3 years
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past the point of no return
Agreed. There is a path that is rarely spoken about and that is that mental transition to accepting that your gluttony has become ravenous. I call it REFRAMING; I had to reframe how I saw my...
WideJuan76 3 years
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past the point of no return
Agreed. There is a path that is rarely spoken about and that is that mental transition to accepting that your gluttony has become ravenous. I call it REFRAMING; I had to reframe how I saw my...
WideJuan76 3 years
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past the point of no return
Agreed. There is a path that is rarely spoken about and that is that mental transition to accepting that your gluttony has become ravenous. I call it REFRAMING; I had to reframe how I saw my...
WideJuan76 3 years
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past the point of no return
This right here. Once you break past that chubby point to obese that is where your whole mindset shifts.
WideJuan76 3 years
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when did it hit that you're fat.
Yeah, you get it bro. By the time we actual notice how fat we are; we are damn near too far gone to ever lose it. Lol.
WideJuan76 3 years
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how fat would you like to be?
Well, the only things that I can tell you are that they kill their men with kindness and there is a reason why these dudes eat themselves into oblivion. Every week we met up and we fat men ju...
WideJuan76 3 years
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saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is
I totally concur with this post; there are plenty of female feeders out there. They just don't know anything about the lifestyle. I have always been somewhat athletic but mostly chubby and it was a...
WideJuan76 3 years
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what made you fall in love with weight gain?
I wholeheartedly concur. And just to add to that, it takes an acute awareness of one's genetic proclivities as well. My family has genetic behavioural patterns that tend to be on the compul...
WideJuan76 3 years
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when i was weighed in front of others.
One of my hottest fat experiences happened quite a few years ago when I was weighed in front of a group of my wife's female friends. It was hot in retrospect. In the moment I f...
WideJuan76 3 years
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when did it hit that you're fat.
I had always been an athlete so I had always had that experience and vantage point so I had fat milestones occur and I never paid them any mond because I still saw myself as the athlete. But, it wa...
WideJuan76 3 years
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men with an ass
As I gained, I grew a shelf and it was the sensations that I never expected to have. The fat on me went there first and to feel how both cheeks moved independently as I walked and how it started to...
WideJuan76 3 years
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my gf is gaining weight!!!
Such is the very nature of one who projects themselves in a public space like the internet. My side business is as a producer and consultant for a film production company and when you date "th...
WideJuan76 3 years
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lost the ability to make myself get up
You bring up a very valid point here. I know that I myself got caught up in the fantasy of being a feeder then due to boredom germinating into a feedee but it is the practical application of ac...
WideJuan76 3 years
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what made you fall in love with weight gain?
Agreed. I also majored in psychology and too many times folks will function off of their default mode network way of thinking while not actually realizing that their are some triggers as to why...
WideJuan76 3 years
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at what weight do you feel fat?
Yeah, being four hundred is a different threshold of fatness because everything becomes a chore

It sure does Juan just putting shoes on was a chore.[/quote]

Having a han...
WideJuan76 3 years
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at what weight do you feel fat?
Yeah, being four hundred is a different threshold of fatness because everything becomes a chore
WideJuan76 3 years
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are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?
I used to love the contrast of her being bigger then I gained and I met women who were slender who adored me fat but now I am all in with us both being obese
WideJuan76 3 years
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side effects of being very fat
What will ? Remember what I looked like when we first spoke on Feabie and compare that to what I look like now and I gained an additional two hundred pound person so my willpower is da...
WideJuan76 3 years
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fatter and then dumber
I concur with Ditzy but I would also add that there is a difference between intelligence and intellectualism. I have been chubby to obese most of my life and my intellectualism has made me more...
WideJuan76 3 years
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why are fa's so closeted?
In my anecdotal experience, it is primarily a location thing or a subcultural thing. When I first moved down South in the United States in 2005, I was around 270 and I would approach but when I fel...