Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 14 years
Would you like some hail instead of snow? *Offers?*
Awesome X 14 years
Hm, we just had a minor hailstorm pass over. I didn't even know the weather was supposed to get that bad today.
Awesome X 14 years
Ohhhh, Aye-di-dai-di-dai-di-dai-
Awesome X 14 years
Lol, that sounded dirty... Or maybe this permanent marker somewhere near the computer is getting to me.
Awesome X 14 years
*Packs up his Bartering skill points and puts them in his imaginary attic with his unico-.... Lion blanket*
Awesome X 14 years
But... But... My +1 Bartering skill is useless then?!
Awesome X 14 years
Hm, so it is. Continue the Time Warp then. *Nods and steps aside*
Awesome X 14 years
Kinda hard when it's at the top of the pics page, besides. Why not just NOT post it?
Awesome X 14 years
I'm guessing not because of that dance. Probably more because of a certain pic.
Awesome X 14 years
It kinda stinks that everytime some idiot decides to expose himself on here, there's never a mod around at that time.
Awesome X 14 years
Awesome X 14 years
until that pic's deleted, I think that might be for the best, birch.
Awesome X 14 years
BBW Road Plumper?
Awesome X 14 years
Dunno, things surrounding that event are kinda fuzzy. >.>
Awesome X 14 years
Uh.. yeah... roasting marshmallows over a stove... That's what happened.
Awesome X 14 years
I has a bad history with flames. *Sweatdrop*
Awesome X 14 years
My cat just jumped in my computer desk drawer and now slaps at all who try to open it.
Awesome X 14 years
Hm... I'd say pizza, but I'm partial. I like pizza more than burgers.
Awesome X 14 years
That's good to hear, sparkle
Awesome X 14 years
We didn't get snow here, but we got a few inches of rain if anyone's interested. ^.^