
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom  
CeReallyFat 5 years
CeReallyFat 5 years
Finally got a decent gaming chair... or perhaps it's more of a gaining chair, am I right ^^
CeReallyFat 5 years
Feeling full and plumped up after a nice brunch around town
CeReallyFat 5 years
This is when I forget to keep pulling it down for even a moment
CeReallyFat 5 years
This is when the shirt I'm going out wearing behaves itself...
CeReallyFat 5 years
Somehow I don't think the alien will be what people notice of this shirt
CeReallyFat 5 years
Only after I stopped eating at McDonald's, I realized maybe that large burger meal and 9 chicken nuggets hasn't left me starving after all...
CeReallyFat 5 years
I've really fattened up those stacked side rolls and pudgy belly, haven't I...
CeReallyFat 5 years
CeReallyFat 5 years
It's become a bit of a balloon...
CeReallyFat 5 years
More and more soft blubber spilling to the side each day
CeReallyFat 5 years
The seatbelt digging in so much suggests that portion of nachos may have been a sharer...
CeReallyFat 5 years
Buying new shirts in size S - nothing odd about it with a body that flabby, right ^^
CeReallyFat 5 years
Just stuffed myself on way over 2k kcal of food... just the brie-like cheese and sliced meats I fully finished were 1802kcal, then there's all the slices of bread, some of the mascarpone cheese and most the orange juice...
CeReallyFat 5 years
How did my moobs get so oversized... They have fat rolls of their own now!
Fatbe10 5 years
Wow !
CeReallyFat 5 years
I sometimes feel like my body is designed for just feeding and fucking
CeReallyFat 5 years
After shower fat blob in my lap
CeReallyFat 5 years
Wearing a tight shirt that rides up can be very distracting when trying to work on my laptop...
CeReallyFat 5 years
It's so sexy to discover that my belly looks bloated after several hours of absent-minded eating of baked goods