Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 14 years
What Fries said. Good to know that you're doing better now, I know from experience that strep isn't any fun.
Awesome X 14 years
Hey CC, hope you're doing alright tonight.
Awesome X 14 years
I spy... something red...
Awesome X 14 years
I'm here for a while if you want to talk about what's bothering you.
Awesome X 14 years
What's wrong, Cannabis?
Awesome X 14 years
That was... subtle?
Awesome X 14 years
When it comes to my job, work's just about always bleh... Although sometimes it makes it up to "Meh"
Awesome X 14 years
I know that feeling all too well, hun.
Awesome X 14 years
Hey everybody, hopefully it's not as dull on here as it is around here tonight.
Awesome X 14 years
Likewise, hun. Take care.
Awesome X 14 years
Well, that's one trait we share. I always manage to put off things until the last second when it's almost too late.
Awesome X 14 years
Same to you, OS. Mine started off a little dull, but better than bad at least.
Awesome X 14 years
Hey Cannabis, how're you hun?
Awesome X 14 years
*Looks at Jelly* But We Must Have SPORKS!
Awesome X 14 years
I'm all for Happy Cake... But who has the plates?
Awesome X 14 years
Who said you're fake? You're the only one that said you're fake. Reeaaalll Smooooooth.
Awesome X 14 years
If we stay perfectly still... It can't see us...
Awesome X 14 years
It also called me a chink... I think I'm going to go cry about it now.
Awesome X 14 years
Ya think?
Awesome X 14 years
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, never would've figured that out. >.>