
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada  
Edxl 5 years
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you saved $1,000 for wg. how would you....
For round numbers, let's call it 100 days (14 weeks plus an extra weekend) So an average of ten dollars a day beyond your usual budget. Not a lot, but fortunately dome calories are cheap! Some of...
Edxl 5 years
reply to forum post
girlfriend gained 60lbs
Influx is right, but I'd also say it is a bit more nuanced than that. Bodies will change and you need to accept that if you are going to be in for the long haul. So commit yourself to support...
Edxl 5 years
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anyone gain a lot unintentionally?
Over the first six years we were together my wife gained 90 pounds unintentionally. (I also gained 40 pounds, but that was more intentional.). She just loves food!

I'd suggest keep weighing...
Edxl 5 years
reply to forum post
anyone else turned on by partner not exercising and growing lazy
Here is a phrase that might work for you: mobility challenged. Fat enough that getting around is hard, and help may be appreciated, but they can do basics on their own. Like, you drop them of...
Edxl 5 years
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nervous first time stuffing
So, how did it go?
Edxl 5 years
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when did you realize you wanted to be fat?
I was fascinated by fat as a kid, but when puberty hit my first 'sexual' fantasy was about joining a weight gain club with the two cubbies girls and other chubby bit in my class, starting off the t...
Edxl 5 years
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inner turmoil
The original post made a very stark distinction between what is now, and perceived gaining lifestyle. It doesn't have to be so black and white. You may drop some activities of you gain, but you ma...
Edxl 5 years
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strangest way you've noticed gaining?
Another shaving related one. I noticed thatmy electric razor wasn't giving me as close a shave as it used to. I made sure I was keeping it well charged and cleaned, and eventually even replaced th...
Edxl 5 years
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getting through a performance
When I saw the title I thought that it would be about being squeezed into too small chairs, but this is even more precious smiley
Edxl 5 years
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forced feminization/forced fattening?
The AD36 thing is really interesting; how had I not heard of that before?

But to respond to the original topic: I haven't chosen to take my life that way, but this sort of thing has always been ...
Edxl 5 years
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wish me luck.
I love reading stories like this. I hope things are going well.
Edxl 5 years
fat experiences forum
Told My GF
Edxl 5 years
weightgain forum
Compendium of Fat Studies
Edxl 5 years
Edxl 5 years
weightgain forum
Wanting to be fat and thin?
Edxl 5 years
Edxl 5 years
fat experiences forum
Edxl 5 years
Edxl 5 years
fat experiences forum
Fatter feet