
Dallas, Texas, United States  
ILuvChubbyChix 2 years
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how to get past that “i’m gonna puke” feeling
Is it really wise to try to push past that?

There's definitely a middle ground between comfortably full/moderately satisfied, and the "ate so much I feel like I couldn't eat another bite" feelin...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
new topic in General forum
weight loss product ads on mobile - rant and questions
So I apologize in advance if this might be a trigger thing for some. I may even make reference to certain things that are a bit gruesome. If so, I might advise you not to read farther.

ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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when did your appetite increase?
Very interesting, and encouraging responses!

I've been frustrated for some time, though it sounds like if I can somehow get to 200+ lbs, the odds are good that's when the "seal will be broken" s...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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male content creators
Solo? Not that I've heard of, but this isn't beyond all realms of possibility. I'd be interested too, though I've been around the online feederism scene a long time, and don't recall of any cases...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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limits/goals - how did you decide?

Most of the goals I have are pretty much arbitrary and the satisfaction of breaking past psychological barriers.

I've never been over 200 lbs before, so I know I would like to be. 222 ...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
new topic in Gaining forum
1 million calories a year.. or even 1.25m, 1.5m? curious type of goal i haven't heard of befor
Don't suppose anyone has thought of this as a goal? It's an interesting idea to say the least. Not sure if it's a sensible goal though, since the commitment period is over a very long period of t...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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sugaring feedees: does "sugar feedees" are a thing?
In real life? Can't say that I ever have. It seems to be entirely the domain of fantasy and erotica.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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is all purpose cream heavy cream?
Maybe? What does it say on the side on the nutrition label?

In the US, the definition of heavy cream is a minimum of at least 36% milk fat. This works out to 50 calories per tablespoon, or 100...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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making a funnel
Most of the ones I've seen look like beer bongs, which are easily available for the most part.

Probably the most economical solution if you just want to try it at first.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
new topic in General forum
forgetting to eat lunch?
I know, weird question to ask on a web site like this.

But does anyone else ever forget to eat lunch, either from just being so busy or not having time, either perceived or actual? Or you get d...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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is it fair to tell someone you’re into their size; even if you know they’re not happy
I suggest you broach this subject very carefully, if you do at all. No one here is going to know the situation as well as you do. While his perspective on this would be interesting, I would NOT r...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
new topic in Gaining forum
stuck at a plateau for ages - help? ideas?
I hope this won't seem too funny to post, especially since I've been part of the online feederism scene for a long time. But basically, what the topic line says. This is also the first in a long ...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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a world wide weight gain
If everyone gained 200-220 lbs overnight, I would expect worldwide economic collapse. While Toby_Aus brings up some good points, there's other points too.

In most cases I'd expect folks to stil...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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jeans just won't stay up!
Try using button style suspenders (braces in the UK). Forget about the clips. Clips either never grip properly, or are so rough as to wear out the waistband (primarily the more industrial/lumberj...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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who lives in texas and wants to stuff and rub my gut?
FantasyFeeder is not a platform for you to advertise any paid adult-oriented services you may offer.

Thread locked.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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just had an elderly woman explained to me what a bbw was
Damn.. really?

Some older elevators I've seen that are still in service, may have a weight limit as low as 2,500 lbs.

But it seems like the ones I've usually seen tend to be at least 4,000 o...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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heavy cream / whipped cream
Any preparation instructions? Butter is quite solid at room temperature so I don't see how you'd drink it.

Can't imagine using a blender since the cream would become "whipped" which is not ...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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heavy cream / whipped cream
While not always possible, I try to drink a serving of what I called "unwhipped cream" before going to sleep every day.

1 cup half & half
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup refined white sugar

Warm ...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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can’t consistently eat enough to gain
Interesting. Sounds like after a little over a week, you were able to eat regularly in spite of the cream.

About how much cream are you consuming each day?

I too have found it hard to ke...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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The heavier and the larger you are, the more calories you need just to keep that size.

So to gain in spite of that, you have to eat even more.

In theory, if you were to eat 4,000 calories a d...