
Dawa, Liaoning, China  
Anonn88 10 years
i preferred 21
Anonn88 10 years
yh, goin for a curry i think smiley sorry ur bored!
Anonn88 10 years
ok thx just chillin smiley u?
Anonn88 10 years
just finished it haha!
Anonn88 10 years
has anyone tried the dairy milk chocolate filled with Oreo? it's amazing!
Anonn88 10 years
yeah not bad..chillin
Anonn88 10 years
how u doin?
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
yoo i'm back
Anonn88 10 years
hi y'all
Anonn88 10 years
btw that sounds hot, pbjtime
Anonn88 10 years
it's such a pain. early mornings kill it. altho i guess they make for a functional lifestyle.
Anonn88 10 years
9am haha. i am used to rolling in at 12 :s
Anonn88 10 years
ugh, i have to go into work at a normal time tomorrow, f that sh!t
Anonn88 10 years
soooooo true!!
Anonn88 10 years
oh man u kinda hit the nail on the head with ur username, musicandfatgirls.
Anonn88 10 years
that is so true babykitten. i do that more often than i care to admit
Anonn88 10 years
muscle and belly, interesting combo, musclestud. i had a co-worker who was like that (whether intentionally or not haha) he'd lift in the gym like every night, and eat junk food at work all day LO
Anonn88 10 years
hi y'all. i got outa work early woo
Anonn88 10 years