
Waldorf, Maryland, United States  
WideJuan76 3 years
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“damn, i’m fat”
At first, what happened was the existential experience that I let it go this far and then the thought crossed my mind that if I was going to ever lose it the work to lose ot would be hard as he...
WideJuan76 3 years
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“damn, i’m fat”
These are the small little nuances that folks rarely talk about when gaining. But the I am fat aspect is just the gateway and starting point; it is the I am obese part that ultimately takes som...
WideJuan76 3 years
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tell me, how do you cope with negative reactions due to your weight?
Well said, and here is what I can add. To get as fat as some of us are; that takes time and dedication so I see those who have taken that plunge and "waddled into the kitchen" like those profes...
WideJuan76 3 years
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what could be done to stop so many from leaving the community?
This is one of the most accurate assessments on this subject. People come and go all the time and the truth is that most of this is a substitute for not being able to actualize these likes offl...
WideJuan76 3 years
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420 stuffing
Weed was my gateway into obesity. I would take sativas to give me a head high to sit back and when I meditated this allowed me to get used to the psychological aspects of getting fat while the indi...
WideJuan76 3 years
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“damn, i’m fat”
Yeah, when you have so many different sensations coming from all over your body some smaller sensations get caught in the maelstrom of other sensations. I have calf fat now so just feeling that...
WideJuan76 3 years
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“damn, i’m fat”
I have always been mostly chubby but it wasn't until I started to really gain that I started to really understand that there are levels to this. When I crossed the 400 mark was when my gut was hang...
WideJuan76 3 years
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fupa questions
What happens is that when some of us males germinate from just the chubby guy to the full on lard guy that is when you see a change but onve I learned how to develop subcutaneous fat that is wh...
WideJuan76 3 years
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fupa questions
Once you start getting to the point where it hangs love, sitting is the most comfortable and efficient
WideJuan76 3 years
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fupa questions
Nope, we enjoy your company here...
WideJuan76 3 years
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oh, that delicious apron gut🥰
I had this issue back when I was around two fifty but now with a low hanging gut it makes it really obvious and I have the 5XL shirts and still it hangs lower than my shirts but when I was in t...
WideJuan76 3 years
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dominant slob feedee and feeder slave fantasy
I have always been the chill type of guy but I met a young lady in North Carolina when I moved there to fulfill my feedee fantasies I met a guy who had started a group of dom feedees and he bec...
WideJuan76 3 years
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being cut out of your home.
When I got to over four hundred, I had to come to grips that if I just stop caring that I am within reach but I have to admit that being that obese that I would need to be cut out of my room wo...
WideJuan76 3 years
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expecting pants to fit - and they don’t
I only wear jogging type pants now anyway but since March I had to start using suspenders for my slacks but I was so self conscious about them at first but now I have to concede because when you gu...
WideJuan76 3 years
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quarantine weight gain
About 40 pounds since March and elbow and knee rolls
WideJuan76 3 years
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humiliation & submission
Growing up, I had always identified with being the jock but I was always chubby but when I graduated and moved away that was when I learned about the life. When I started to gain, I didn't lik...
WideJuan76 3 years
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when did you realize you wanted to be fat?
I have to concur. It is based on genetics
WideJuan76 3 years
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why do you think so many feeders become feedees?
I think that it mostly comes from the realization that you can't find alot of feeders that are in your area so you eventually turn that inward. I have always had feeder tendencies because I was tau...
WideJuan76 3 years
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when did you realize you wanted to be fat?
Just wait until you go through the transition and notice the changes that people never talk about like the first time like how you feel you gut hang below your shirt so you will love the new fe...
WideJuan76 3 years
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how do you know if you like fat on others only or if you like fat on yourself?
There are so many gems in this whole statement but the biggest truth is that fat is a major commitment being obese. I can't put on my gut and get a nice ego boost; this gut not only took effort...