
Dallas, Texas, United States  
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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"shaming" issues...
The only particular thing I fear is how my parents would react, especially my mother.

While there have been, and are some fat individuals she respects, she has a general bias against them. Basi...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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getting incredibly fat!

Being straight, I never noticed the dearth of weight gain videos that featured men. Kind of thought the gay community would have cornered that.

But, I'll keep this in mind. If ...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
new topic in general forum
fun theory i've had about new scales for sale.. thoughts? observations?
I almost can't help but notice that over time, the weight limit of new bathroom scales for sale have increased over time.

What I would like to do is gather anecdotal experiences on whether there...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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anyone a smoker?
To properly answer the original question - no weed here, just tobacco.

I like to use a wooden pipe when I can. A straight one, not a curved one or one made from corn cobs. But, it can take 15 m...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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anyone a smoker?
No, I'd advise against it.

Don't listen to the rabid anti-smokers who make outlandish claims. For example, there's nothing wrong with being around someone who's smoking. If you pour two fl...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
new topic in food and recipes forum
"un-whipped" cream
Know that whipped cream that comes in aerosol cans? Intended to be put on top of shakes, pancakes, waffles, whatever else?

It's delicious, but if you look at the label, the lack of calories is ...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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maltodextrin and visceral fat?
Regardless of either the desired or actual results, there's something I have to point out.

For whatever reason, adding maltodextrin powder also seems to cause the fat to clump up, making it ...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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unfortunate wording in definitions page!
I see what you're saying here, and perhaps that word can be phrased better. But what word might be better? "Extreme?"

Some folks get off on ridicule, and that's okay, but in my experience most...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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anyone in texas?
Ha ha! You know as well as I do that Texas is a big place; second largest state by land area and second largest by population.

Might have wanted to mention you're in DFW.

Though I suppose Au...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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funnel feeding recipe?
That doesn't sound very appetizing.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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best way to break a plateau?
That doesn't cause your capacity to shrink?

It's very frustrating when my capacity doesn't increase and if I go awhile and not eat as much, capacity seems to go down somewhat.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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funnel feeding recipe?

What size container of Nutella?

Can I also guess the second recipe is the one not designed to be pleasant? Seems like it might be more difficult to swallow.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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uncooked cake mix?
Someone here mentioned risk and danger involving consuming uncooked flour, of which is a component of cake mix. He also mentioned heat treating it somehow.

But I haven't heard of that anywhere ...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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what’s your everyday gluttony?
What kind of oil?

Never thought of using oil on pizza rolls. Does she bake or microwave them?
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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alcohol and weight gain
Alcohol alone won't do it. There's the so-called stereotypical beer gut, but there's far more too it than that.

If you ever look up calories, alcoholic beverages don't have very many. For inst...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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dangers of quarantine
Any chance of getting a desk job, either in an office or telecommuting?
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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clothing as you grow
Here's a thought that may not work for everyone, but may work for some. The psychological effect will of course vary from one person to another.

Get clothes that are somewhat too big for you.
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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size up in jeans?
This question doesn't seem to have a clear answer.

It may be possible to guessimate with linear regression or multiple regression, but that requires a lot of information that so far as I kno...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
new topic in stuffing forum
competitive eating training techniques? effectiveness?
Basically what the title says. I wonder if anyone here has tried any of those techniques for expanding capacity? How effective have they been?

Of course, anything you find online might warn yo...
ILuvChubbyChix 3 years
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goals for the new year?
These are goals in no particular order.

The question asks specifically about feederism and weight gain, so I won't really touch upon other goals I might have.

I'm not setting any deadlines, s...