
Dawa, Liaoning, China  
Anonn88 10 years
hahah my day consists of planning lesson after lesson! i do miss living with ppl, we used to cook all the time!
Anonn88 10 years
sundays sure do f**kin suck!
Anonn88 10 years
hey plumptexasgirl, im not a bbw but i am a lesbian FA up for chat!
Anonn88 10 years
that's nice. i'm wondering what kind of halloween candy to take for my students on thursday
Anonn88 10 years
haha oh they must have been good. i'm jeal!
Anonn88 10 years
ooh gurl, yo colleagues gon get FAT!! did u try one to see if they're nice?
Anonn88 10 years
what did u bake?
Anonn88 10 years
oh dear smiley
Anonn88 10 years
haha ofc dani
Anonn88 10 years
looking good, punky
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
yh but, if we were on the corner of streets soliciting fat girls, we'd be gone pretty quickly too
Anonn88 10 years
yes cos last time i aired my disgust i got a 24hr ban haha
Anonn88 10 years
dude, everyone is totally losing their sh*t over the thought of u eating sthg healthy! hahaha
Anonn88 10 years
actually yeah, lettuce makes them sick!
Anonn88 10 years
and in the south of france often full of potatoes and cheese. mmmmmm
Anonn88 10 years
salad is nice and neednt always be rabbit food, in eastern europe they drench them with oil!
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
would u wana make out with me? hehe
Anonn88 10 years
hey toni